Why I Get Laser Therapy
Laser hair removal therapy has been an absolute amazing experience for me. After each session I find myself feeling more confident and feminine. It’s crazy how much a simple procedure can change how I feel about myself and the skin I’m in! Apparently during a session, I look like a hot mess though. But I rock the safety glasses, right? HA! (I’m holding a little hose that blows cold air while she uses the laser.)

As someone with PCOS – Polycystic Ovary Syndrome – I have battled with several of the symptoms listed on several medical websites.
The symptoms of PCOS may include:
- Missed periods, irregular periods, or very light periods √
- Ovaries that are large or have many cysts √
- Excess body hair, including the chest, stomach, and back (hirsutism) √
- Weight gain, especially around the belly (abdomen) √
- Acne or oily skin √
- Male-pattern baldness or thinning hair √
- Infertility √
- Small pieces of excess skin on the neck or armpits (skin tags) √
- Dark or thick skin patches on the back of the neck, in the armpits, and under the breasts √
I am the most classic case of someone with this syndrome. I can remember the specialist who diagnosed me saying, “If it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it’s a duck. You, my dear, are a duck.” I loved that man!! He was the first person to truly listen to me when explaining my symptoms and concerns.
I barely had a cycle; Aunt Flo would visit maybe once a year. Because of that I had infertility and ultimately had to go through IVF and three FETs (Frozen Embryo Transfers) to get my two miracle babies.
As for those physical symptoms… excess hair growth has been an issue since I was a teenager. I’ve never felt comfortable in my own skin because of it and am so self-conscious about it. I had sideburns and visible hair on my upper lip, chin, and neck. Once in a while someone would point it out and in a teasing voice say, “Duuuude, are you growing a beard??” Each time someone acknowledged it out loud I wanted to crawl into a hole.
When I first met my husband, I knew I’d have to tell him. It’s not like I could hide it. Before laser therapy I had to shave just about every night, or every other night if I was lucky. There’s nothing that has made me feel less feminine than shaving my 5 o’clock shadow and having to tell a new love interest that I morph into a hairy beast was terrifying. Thankfully, he is an amazing man and was very understanding.
I had been on a med that was supposed to help slow the hair growth. After 13 years it was clear that it wasn’t making THAT much of a difference, so my doc suggested going to the dermatology center for laser therapy. I had done electrolysis in my 20s and had solid PTSD from that. I can still vividly remember the pain and how horrible my face looked and felt for days after those sessions, only to be told it wouldn’t be a long-term fix and I would have to do the sessions for pretty much the rest of my life. No thank you!
To my absolute surprise, laser hair removal therapy is way different and I am so impressed with the progress we have made in just four sessions! I will have sessions every month for 10 months total. After that, she said I would likely have to do spot check sessions to catch any strays that come up over time, maybe once a year or so.

Yesterday was session number four with my awesome laser technician and it went great! Unfortunately, I’m one of the unlucky people who gets folliculitis for a few days after every session. Basically, my skin gets bumpy and itchy because the hair follicles are damaged due to the laser – which is true but not all people get a type of skin irritation after.
I will say, due to my past I avoided this option, but I’m so happy I finally went. If you are considering it, or teetering on the edge of making an appointment, do it! At least go to the consultation and talk to someone who won’t judge you.
I am so excited to see what the full 10-month treatment brings me. It has been over 30 years since the excess hair on my face wasn’t a nagging thought in my mind that made me feel so insecure about my looks. I can’t even imagine a long period of time where it won’t even cross my mind!
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