You're a Mean One... Mother Nature!

Best laid plans, I guess! I brought my running shoes and gym bag to work with me this morning with every intention of running on the indoor track after work. Mother Nature ruined my plans! It snowed all day, a wet snow. I decided to head straight home so I wasn't driving home on slick roads after the sun went down and the temp dropped. Plus, then The Hubby wouldn't have to play chauffeur in this wonderful, much too early, winter weather.

I can't even say that it's pretty at this point because I'm too annoyed! I'm supposed to run a trail run in 11 days. I may be walking through the snow covered state park instead of running through it. At least I'll have good company since one of my old running partners is going to join me! You know you're old when you're worried about slipping and breaking a hip in a race... and you're not laughing like it's a joke! With no sign of a warm up in the 10-day forecast, I am afraid winter is here to stay already. *sigh* It's going to be a long 6 months!

On a good note, I had a great day in the food department. I need to work on eating a bit more. I was slightly under my protein goal for the day. I am also really focusing on my water intake this week. To say I struggle to get my water quota for the day is a massive understatement. I used to chug water like no tomorrow, but lately I feel like I have to force it down. I'll get there again. I'm still working on my workout schedule since I'm working around my kid schedule and their schedules, but I'll get there. It's only the first of the month after all. Baby steps!

It just feels good to be back on track. No guilt today! It was an overall good day. Except for that darn snow. *grins* Bring on day two and a snow-free day.


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