We Have a New Inductee to The Secret Society of Santas
This year was the year. The year one of our Awesome Foursome took another giant step in growing up. I knew it was coming, so thankfully I was prepared for the moment a couple of weeks ago when my sweet Emmy Lou gave me that look and said, "Mom, I think I might be too big to sit on Santa's lap this year." To which I replied, "Em, you've done so much growing up this past year. Not just physically, you've matured a lot too." The entire time she's bobbing her head up and down with that "I know where this is going" look on her face.
While having lunch at McD's with my sweet Lou, I watched her mature right before my eyes as we talked about the magic of Christmas and the new part she will play in that magic. The face that looked back at me was not my chubby cheeked, toothless, little blonde haired bundle of energy. She almost didn't even look like she could have once been that child. The person looking back at me was my beautiful, blue-eyed tween, with long blonde hair pulled up in a messy bun, making her look even older than she already had been. Although she is still missing teeth, they are just too far back to see when she smiles! Oh, and don't worry, she often turns the knife in this mama's heart by reminding me she only has five left to lose. Where has my baby gone?!?
While having lunch at McD's with my sweet Lou, I watched her mature right before my eyes as we talked about the magic of Christmas and the new part she will play in that magic. The face that looked back at me was not my chubby cheeked, toothless, little blonde haired bundle of energy. She almost didn't even look like she could have once been that child. The person looking back at me was my beautiful, blue-eyed tween, with long blonde hair pulled up in a messy bun, making her look even older than she already had been. Although she is still missing teeth, they are just too far back to see when she smiles! Oh, and don't worry, she often turns the knife in this mama's heart by reminding me she only has five left to lose. Where has my baby gone?!?
Emmy Lou & Santa - 4 months, 2, 3 & 4 years old (I can't find her 1 year pic)
5 years old - Abbycakes was petrified, but Emmy Lou
has NEVER been scared of Santa
6 years old and the first Christmas together with The Awesome Foursome
7 years old
8 years old
9 years old - The final year before her joining
The Secret Society of Santas!
The Secret Society of Santas!
Emmy Lou age 2 & 9
This is still, and will always be, our favorite Santa!
It was a good run! Ten years of experiencing the magic wit the innocence only a child can have. She was seven, the same age Abbycakes and Jack Jack are now, when the questions started and I could see her starting to piece things together. It started with a simple, "Hey Mom, how can Santa be in so many places at once? Like, how is he at Bentleville AND the mall at the same time on a Saturday afternoon?" Then there were questions about the logistics of how one man can get to so many houses in one night - magic of course! Not to mention the many times she checked in with me, "Mom, do you believe in Santa?" Abbycakes asked that one for the first time this year too. *sigh*
Last year I could see it all adding up for Emmy Lou on St. Nicholas Day. She goes to a Catholic school and learned all about St. Nicholas and his story. She also knew that St. Nicholas died many years ago, so there was no possible way that he left the chocolate coins in their boots with the new pajamas that were sitting on top on St. Nicholas Day. Mom had to think quick on that one! I don't remember exactly what I told her, but it was enough for her to give me that "I don't have a good argument against what you said, so I'll just go with it for now" look and went about her business. I was ready for this year to be the year for her to make that transition, I was starting to really suck at lying to my kid, and thankfully, she was ready too!
So, we officially have someone on the inside!
I can't tell you how amazing it is to have a link to the inner workings that are my kids! Emmy Lou knows all, hears all, and tells... well, she tells some. She's given me some pretty awesome gift ideas for the other three kids this year. I'm surprised at how many of those ideas wouldn't have even occurred to me. "Abbycakes talks non-stop about wanting one of these..." Really?!? How have I not heard that? Yup, I think I'm going to like this new arrangement! The highlight for her? Helping to come up with ideas for those mischievous elves!
As much as I want to slow down time and cherish these days a bit more, this is definitely a season where I'm feeling extra blessed to have healthy, happy, awesome kids. I would love to jump back in time and visit a few days when they were itty bitty, but since that's not possible I'll just cherish these days while I can. I love that she will sometimes still hold my hand as we walk through parking lots. That she'll walk up, give me a random hug and cling to me for an extra moment. Or that she will still participate in our goodbye routine at school where she kisses my cheek and gives me a hug through the car window and then walks away yelling, "I love you! Have a great day!" at least three times in the 20 yard walk to the door of the school. This big milestone has reminded me just how fast they are all growing up.
Although... I really don't mind that Emmy Lou has become my awesome new workout partner, or that she likes to make all of us breakfast on the weekend. There are definitely perks to this stage for sure!
Although... I really don't mind that Emmy Lou has become my awesome new workout partner, or that she likes to make all of us breakfast on the weekend. There are definitely perks to this stage for sure!
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