Spring Fever Is Real!

I do believe spring fever is spreading like wildfire at work. It doesn't help that we have a shortage on windows in our area either. We can feel that it's getting warmer because we're roasting in our offices, but we can't see the sun. To say that everyone is getting restless is probably a bit of an understatement. The students are visibly anxious for the semester to end and the staff and faculty are counting down the days till Easter Break for a short break from the office with some time to enjoy the weather. Of course, the sunny warmer weather helps too!

I'm no different from the rest of the bunch! I can't wait to run out the door at the end of the day to collect those final rays of warm sunshine! Who cares if it's through my windshield, at least I can see them. My kiddos are taking full advantage of the early spring - and by early spring I mean we aren't still trudging through feet of snow - by breaking out the bikes and scooters and playing outside. Ahhhh... fresh air and sunshine. That means daydreaming about summer fun!

Since The Hubby put me in charge of planning tonight's dinner, I decided to run with my happy thoughts of spring and we grilled dinner tonight. I chose shish kabobs with extra sticks so the kids can make fresh fruit and raw veggie kabobs as well. I even suggested we break out the deck furniture and have dinner outside.

I have a confession to make though. I didn't run this weekend. Honestly, I spaced it out completely on Saturday and it was raining Sunday. Sorry, but I'm a fair weather runner at this point. I didn't want to run my first run of the season in the rain, so I bowed out. Do not fear! Tonight's the night! With no karate this week and no kid's activities tonight, I headed straight home to change my clothes, grabbed my shoes and hit the road.

After my run I got home, ate dinner, tucked kids in and now I need to sit down to write a paper I've been dreading for two weeks. I love the topic I chose and I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing the people I chose for my assignment. I just hate that we have zero guidance on the paper and are kind of in the dark as to the expectations for it. So, I'll wing it and hope for the best, I guess!

As for the rest of the week...

Wednesday - Emmy Lou has her final archery club meeting (I'll update on her archery progress in my next post) and then she has a hair cut. For dinner I pitched a Healthy Chipotle Chicken Sweet Potato Skins recipe to The Hubby. We'll see if he bites!

Thursday - I have class, so The Hubby is on his own with all four kiddos and dinner. I'll bring an extra protein shake for a late dinner and probably leftovers to eat before I leave for class.

Friday - Another run is in my future on Friday after work. Dinner on Friday is slightly up in the air, so stay tuned for that one. I'm guessing it'll be something like bunless burgers and bacon wrapped asparagus, but don't hold me to it just yet!

Hurry up Weekend, my dear friend!! I'm ready for you again! Until then, here's a note to all my friends who understand the joys of finally getting past winter in the north...


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