I'm still here, things have just gotten insanely busy all of a sudden.
Emmy Lou and Abbycakes's lacrosse season has kicked into high gear. No one told Mother Nature that though. Spring sports up here are kind of impossible. We had 70 degrees on Saturday, snow and wind on Sunday, and today the kids were home because of snow and ice. Needless to say, their game in the Twin Cities last weekend was very welcomed because we left snow up here to sit in 70 degrees and sunshine down there. I often ask myself why I still live here!!
The blue-socked ones are mine - attempted pass by Abby :)
Anyway... the girls are having a blast in their new sport. It's a lot of learning - for them and the parents - but it's fun to watch!
We're still getting karate in there on the off nights, with breaks here and there from everything for sanity. That part is an absolute must!! Especially the girls' has to travel a lot for work this spring/summer, so the girls will be with us most of the time. Schedules can get a bit overwhelming without the usual sharing of time for sure. I'm beyond lucky that my hubby has a very helpful schedule for summer and he's so awesome about being a shuttle for all four kiddos.
Work is plain nuts right now and about to get even nuttier! Some shake ups are coming down the pike, so I have a lot of anxiety, excitement, fear, you name it associated with that. It'll be fine. I love my job and I love my coworkers, it's just the unknown that's getting me right now. In about a month it'll all be figured out though, so I'll just hold on tight and enjoy the ride.
School is... well, school is school. My second course of my masters is almost done. Three weeks left. Then I'm on to summer semester, which means two more 8-week terms. I like the short terms though. We pack a lot of info into 8 weeks of the course, but it goes fast. If you don't like a course, just give it a couple of weeks and it'll be done. I just pounded out my final paper for my current class. Now I get to put together a 20-slide PowerPoint presentation for the final class. Almost done... almost done...
It's hard to believe that the kids only have five weeks left of school. It's also hard to believe that with just five weeks left of school, they had a SNOW DAY today. Crazy spring weather!! They are looking forward to summer and I'll be honest, so am I!
First of all, racing season has begun! I ran my first 5K of the season. I wasn't speedy by any means, especially since it was my 2nd run of the year, but I had a blast!
I plant to run at least one 5K every month. The rest of my crazy race plans may have to be put on hold until my schedule lightens up a bit. I'd love to train for some portion of Whistlestop in October, but even that's up in the air as of right now. We will see how school is going later this summer.
I'm also excited about this summer because we bought a new family toy!
After a couple of years of looking, we finally found the perfect camper to fit our crew! Look! The kids even approve (it has double bunk beds to fit all 4 kiddos).
I'm definitely looking forward to making some awesome summer memories. In the meantime, while Mother Nature continues to pitch her little hormonal fit, I'll keep focusing on getting my body summer ready in hopes that one day we will be granted a reprieve from winter and allowed to see the sunshine and warm temps for more than a day at a time. It might be wishful thinking though!
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