The Punishment Fits The Crime!!

I am beyond thankful for the challenge that started at work today! I'm so bloated and just so... UGH! Girls Weekend definitely did it's damage on me, but oh was it fun!! My two oldest, bestest friends and I had to plan the dates of our getaway six months in advance to work around everyone's schedules for this trip, but it was so worth it!

Cliff's notes version... We headed east and visited a winery for a sampling tour, took the ferry to Madeline Island (on Lake Superior) for a day of exploring, walked around the small tourist towns, laughed, ate, drank and laughed some more. It was a very relaxing weekend, which was much needed by all of us.

 View of main land marina from the ferry.

  Two ferries passing in the evening.
Serene pit stop! Breakwall for the island's marina.

Our hotel was located in a historic boat yard 

where they used to build the boats.

 Ferry Selfie!! We've been friends for 20+ years.

Now it's Monday and back to reality! As I said, today is Day 1 of a challenge at work. Our campus has challenged City of Duluth and St. Louis County employees to a "movement challenge". So, basically, you enter your activity into an online or mobile tracker (same one for everyone) and you get a set amount of points based on the level of activity. The team with the highest average amount of points per participant wins. The challenge started today and ends on November 6th.
My weight is at the highest it's been in over two years by no fault but my own, so it's time to buckle down there. After a weekend of eating, drinking and then eating and drinking a bit more, I'm not surprised by the number on the scale or the results of the measurements I took last night. It is also great motivation to not stay here for long. Things have gotten a bit ridiculous!! So, the timing of this challenge couldn't be better. It's definitely time to get back on track and make some serious changes. 

I've signed up for lunch time workouts at work, so when my schedule isn't insane I can hit those up for some extra points.

Meal planning is back in effect, as is bringing my lunch and snacks to work with me so I don't run down to the on-campus cafes or the vending machine at the end of the hallway! I posted a couple of snacks I was planning to make last week. I didn't make them for our weekend away, but I'll be making them for the weeks ahead! Here's the plan for dinners:

Monday:  Tacos (S)

Tuesday:  Garlic Chicken with Quinoa (E)

Wednesday:  Dreamfields Spaghetti & Meatballs (S)

Thursday:  Cheeseburger Pie & green beans (S)

Friday:  Egg White Sandwich w/Turkey Bacon on Sourdough Toast (E)

Beyond the work workouts (which is both good for a stress and for the challenge), our calendars are booked solid for the next several weeks! For me, Mondays and Wednesdays will be karate days, Tuesdays and Thursdays will be muay thai days and we'll be running the kids around to their activities in the meantime.

Oh, that reminds me! Abbycakes has decided that she would like to go a different route than the rest of the family. Ask me if I'm shocked. That kiddo has always danced to her own little tune and that is just fine by me! Here's how one of our most recent conversations played out:

A: Mom, I don't want to do karate anymore.
Me: No? How come?
A: I just don't really like it as much anymore.
Me: Okay. What do you want to do instead?
A: Hockey. I love to skate, Mom, so I think you should let me try hockey.
Me: Hmmmm... I'll have to think about that.

What that last statement didn't show was a completely split reaction happening inside of Mom. The one where she was groaning and cheering at the same time.

One voice in my head was cheering and celebrating. See, I love hockey. It is the best sport in the world. I played hockey at her age. I played hockey through high school and into college. I even played hockey as an adult! Some of my best memories involve hockey or my teammates. I have dreamed of the day one of my kids would tell me they wanted to play hockey. Since neither of them seemed to share my love of outdoor ice rinks when they were little, I assumed it would never happen. You know what happens when we assume....

Another voice inside of me was screaming, "Noooooooo!!!! There's no way we can pull this off! Tell her no, right now! This conversation cannot go any further."

Guess which voice won. 

Yeah, not the logical one that was telling me that a person with five family members in martial arts 3-5 nights a week shouldn't commit the sixth member to a hockey schedule. Nope! Not that one!! But I have to! I also WANT to. I've always known my girl had a lot of me in her! Well, her dad played hockey too, so there's that. As they say... It's in her genes! 

So, this is how my kiddo spent some of her free time before bed last night:

This was her first time on rollerblades outside and she is determined to be solid on them before she steps on the ice next week. Okay then! She is one determined little critter, that's for sure! We will see how this goes. Wish us luck!


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