Gotta Shake The Friday Mentality

It's Friday! WOOHOO!!! I love Fridays! Problem is, I have a HORRIBLE Friday mentality. Let's start from the beginning...

Today is weigh in day!

I love Garfield!!

Today is Friday, which means it's weigh in day and I didn't get angry with the scale. I didn't even read it as a free ticket to ride today. The problem is... The word Friday has been an awful ticket to ride lately. Friday has had a fuller meaning for the past several months.

I have grabbed hold of that title and run with it far too many weekends in my adult life. Unfortunately, I have created a habit that I'm finding to be a struggle today. I want to splurge. Why? It's Friday! Like it's a freaking holiday or something. Hey, it's Friday, let's go get lunch! Hey, it's Friday, let's go out to dinner. Hey, it's Friday, let's stuff our faces with anything and everything that crosses my path."

Did I mention that I forgot my DFT patch this morning and sugar detox is hitting me hard with cravings today?!

I will survive!! I brought my lunch to work today. I'll stay away from the vending machine and I will try to leave my office as little as possible so I'm not tempted by the amazing smells of the cafe down the hall! Gotta love temptations!

Tonight I'll pick the girls up from school so we can go to the Homecoming football game in our hometown. I'm excited to go since it's been years since I've been to a high school football game. Plus, hanging out with friends on a Friday night is always fun too! Before we leave, my plan is to make an egg white sandwich with turkey bacon on sourdough toast. I've actually been craving that particular go-to meal this week, so I'm looking forward to it.

The rest of the weekend consists of a family reunion on Saturday for my mom's side and then The Hubby and I are going four wheeling with friends on Sunday. I can't believe tomorrow is already October, but I'm also super excited. Bring on more fall colors and Halloween activities! Plus, The Hubby and I take vacation every year in October, so it'll be a good month!

Happy Friday Everyone!!


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