Hello Short Week!!

I did not want to get out of bed this morning. Oh well, it's a short week, so I didn't mind it as much. Plus, I had a good, productive, fun weekend!! I'm also beyond ready to see my girls tonight after work!

What a crazy busy weekend! It was super fun and productive though!

Time with friends, laughing till we almost cry, was definitely the best medicine a few of us could have asked for on Friday night. I squeezed in some overtime, more friend time and a couple hours at the pool with The Hubby and two of the kiddos on Saturday.

Yesterday was my biggest day as far as productivity. My best friend and I met up and ran 2.5 miles together in the morning. I'm not a morning person, but it was a beautiful sunny morning to hit the trail!

After the run, we headed to our own homes to clean up and eat before heading out to shop till we dropped. The Hubby and the kiddos hit the Fish & Game Show to see what we won from our raffle tickets that were entered when we were there on Friday. We ended up winning a travel, fold-up charcoal grill and a $5 gift certificate. Not too bad!

After dinner, I decided to finally make the treats I'd meant to make this weekend. I kicked out a batch of Fudgy No-Bake Cookies, some THM-friendly Granola Bars and I attempted some Sour Cream Donuts in a donut form pan that the THM book suggests.

This is where things went downhill. I wish I'd taken a pic! It wasn't an all out fail. It was a success either! In the end I decided that my batter wasn't thin enough and I need to invest in one of those mini donut makers. The chocolate ganache was absolutely scrumptious! The problem is, that when I flipped the "done" donuts out of the pan when I pulled them out of the oven, they kinda went SPLAT. Oops! They definitely weren't cooked enough to keep their form. I'm not sure if I should have let them cool longer to hold their form, if they were under cooked, or what.

I immediately went to my computer and put a Mini Donut Maker in my cart on Amazon! Then The Hubby and I plopped some of the donut mush on our plates and enjoyed the mess that they were. Like I said, they tasted amazing, they just looked horrible! Definitely one to keep trying!

We also tried a couple other new recipes over the weekend. We tried the Sweet & Sour Chicken from Mrs. Criddle's Kitchen.

She has tons of fun stuff on her website and lots of THM-friendly recipes. Check her out if you're looking for something new to try. Her site is mentioned a lot on the THM boards.

This recipe calls for Gluccomann Powder. This is a popular ingredient in the THM world. It's basically used as a thickener for smoothies, gravies, etc. For this recipe it thickened the sauce. A little goes a very very long way and The Hubby learned that pretty quickly. It's also known to be an appetite suppressant. Either way... this recipe was a keeper, but we're going to have to find the happy spot for the Gluccie! Oh and we'll use far less onion next time.

Last night we tried a recipe for Venison Gyros. YUM!!! This recipe comes complete with a yummy Tzatziki Sauce.... Mmmmmm! The only change I would make to this recipe would be less rosemary, but I'm not a huge fan of that particular seasoning, so I'm sensitive to it.

Overall, it was a fun weekend and we added some delicious recipes to our keepers list! The two kids we had at the house this weekend even gobbled up the gyros. They were a little skeptical of the sweet & sour chicken until then found the pineapple pieces!

I also made some tentative plans with my running buddy this weekend. She's signed up to run a 10K on Mother's Day weekend. I have until April 30th to sign up without the increase in price, so I'm going to kick up my training a bit. The shorter runs are going well. I've gone 2-3 miles every run, so it's time to step it up a notch. This 10K will be the deciding factor for if we will give ourselves the green light on training for and signing up for the half marathon we have our eye on the end of October. 

I felt some pain toward the end of the run yesterday, but nothing that I couldn't keep at bay. I also wasn't as focused on my pace and heart rate so I learned a lesson there. Oh, and I talked. Yeah, yeah...I can't help myself. I know it throws off my breathing, but I'm a talker and it says to run at a conversational pace. Well... *grins*

So, this week has had to be switched up a little bit. Today is Girl Scouts and karate. Tomorrow I'll get out for my longest run yet - 4 miles. Wednesday it sounds like we'll have family in town, so it'll be a rest day. Then, either Thursday morning or Friday evening I'll need to get out for an easy 3 mile run. If all else fails, I'll go after we get back from our fun on Saturday. The training schedule for the next four weeks isn't too intense. Two short runs and one longer run, but it'll be a good indicator for me to find out if I can train for the half. The mileage only increases for that!

All-in-all it was a great weekend and it's set to be an exciting week! Spring is in the forecast, so moods are lifting and it feels great to get out and run with a plan! 

Oh, and I did my training swim this past weekend - 100 yard warm up, then 100 yards three times with a 30 second rest between each one, then 50 yards five times with a 30 second rest between each one and finally wrapped up with a 100 yard cool down. I survived! I wasn't fast, but I didn't drown! The Hubby kicked out 1000 yards faster than I could do my 650, but I finished and it felt good. I'll have to keep working on it because I really need to increase my speed and swim for longer lengths without a break. That'll come with time! For now, I'll focus on finishing my training swims without drowning and consider it a success!!

I almost forgot again... two things I love about myself:

My first one is not a body part... I love my stubbornness! I love that I was taught as a little kid to never give up on what I want. If I wasn't stubborn, I wouldn't be back on the trail enjoying my runs - no matter how slow they are - and feeling the affects of the therapy they provide!

I also love my legs toady. They may not be perfect. I don't have a gap between my thighs and I have dimples in my upper thighs, but they are strong and they carry me with minimal complain. I can run, I can skate, I can play with my kids... my legs are PERFECT!

Happy Monday all! I hope everyone has a great week!


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