Day 9 of 40 - Auntie Em... Uncle Henry...

UGH! The wind the last few days as been insane! And the forecast shows it's not due to let up in the near future. Actually, wind gusts are predicted to be in the 20s all the way through Sunday. Add to that that it's directly off that big 'ol lake and it is just gross outside. Sure, it's not snowing, but it's so hard to see green grass and still struggle to get out for a run because you're pretty sure you're going to end up running in place!

I know I'm frustrated, but I can't imagine how all of my Grandma's Marathon training friends are feeling this week. I have several friends who are running the full (26.2 miles) in mid-June and several more who are training for the half (13.1 miles) that same day. Those training for the full are up in the teens and low 20s for total miles they run each training day and with this weather, I'm sure it's been brutal. Hopefully it's short lived!!

In the end, I can't control the weather (unfortunately), so I'm going to have to suck it up and run somewhere. I'd prefer outside since I hate the treadmill. Tonight Abbycakes has twirling practice for an hour, so I'm hoping to drop her off and hit the road. I'd better bundle up! I know one layer will be my trusty new training tank though. This really fits training when you're battling an injury (or whatever this is), or the weather, or whatever tries to stand in your way from achieving your goals!

Speaking of friends and running... Last night a few of my running buddies and some non-running buddies got together for a Paint Night event at a local bar/restaurant. I had so much fun!! And I really needed a night of relaxation with friends. Plus, painting is another therapeutic thing I really love to do, but seldom find time for.

So, here's a breakdown of my night...

My blank canvas awaits!

First break - We were all wondering how this even resembled the end product!

Next break - More colorful, but still questioning the results!

Final break - Oooh I'm starting to see it now! We have happy little trees!!

Final product with my happy little bench! Love it!!

My work station with an awesome photobomber!

The finished product on my side of the table (just our group).

Finished product on the other side of the table (again, just our group).

Our lovely ladies and their beautiful creations!

Me!!! (with a grip to follow)

So, there you have it! Our Ladies Night Out was a complete success! Although, I must confess... I had one beer. My co-pilot bought it for me and, well, it was a weak moment! I did stick to my guns about dinner though and ate completely on plan. Today the scale even rewarded me for my good behavior with a 1/2 pound loss. YAY!!

Now, my quick gripe that I mentioned on the last picture. See the difference between the last two pictures? The group one was taken with my phone (iPhone 6) and the second one was taken with my friend's phone (Galaxy S6 Edge). Look at the quality of the pictures! Look at the color difference! Not much difference in location and no difference with flash or no flash. As a photographer I've griped about the iPhone's inadequate camera for several years now, but at this point I'm honestly considering a change. Even though we have other Apple products at home, I am considering a switch. There are things holding me back like FaceTime with the girls when they are away and have Emmy Lou's phone with them. Turning old phones into iPods for the kids for simplicity purposes. The communication between the phones, the iPads, and my iMac. So, it'll be a big decision, but DANG I wish Apple would catch up with the times! We use our phones as our regular cameras these days... pus some effort into making a solid product, would ya!?!

Ok... I'm stepping off of my soapbox now.

Time to wrap this up with a little "What I Like About Me" segment!

I love my hair! It may not always do what I want it to do and I may have hated it in middle school, but I love having naturally curly hair! I can wear it straight if the mood strikes me, or I can scrunch some mousse in it and rock the curls!

I thought I had passed the curly head on to Emmy Lou because she had springy curls from day one, but all of a sudden the just fell out when she was about four.

2 years old with Shirley Temple curls!!

3 years old and the curls are relaxing, but still there!

5 years old and curls are pretty much gone, but Abbycakes started coming into hers!

Sad mama! I miss those curls! Abbycakes's hair is thick, like mine, but when she get sweaty or has most of it up, it curls more and more every day. Who knows... things change! Either way... I think they're both pretty cute, but I'm biased!

So, that's the story today! Busy day with appts, karate, McTeacher's Night (stop down to the one on 21st tonight to support Cathedral if you're local!!!), twirling practice, a run... WHEW!! Oh, and I got 4 hours and 50 minutes of sleep last night according to my Fitbit. I think I may crash hard tonight!


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