Birthday Success!!

The Hubby said he had a great birthday. Thanks to all who wished him a Happy Birthday yesterday. We had all four kids and the typical chaos of a Wednesday night! The Cheesy Enchiladas were absolutely scrumptious! Karate was a blast... the sensei even stayed late to let The Hubby and I spar each other since we didn't get paired up during class. That's a first and oh did we giggle!! We even had an audience, so there were lots of ooh's and ahhh's!

With late karate comes a late bedtime, but we had promised a quick birthday cake celebration. While The Hubby got the kids rounded up, cleaned up and in pajamas, I made four mini cakes (I divided two up because it was a hefty amount as a single serving) and whipped up some Peanut Butter Whip for the top. It was a crazy rush so the pics aren't stellar, but here ya go!

I topped them with sugar free chocolate chips and peanuts for a little extra yumminess! Don't you just love the fine china??

The recipe turned out really good. The whipped topping added a little bit of light fluffiness to it that really brought it all together. My sugar free kiddo was in heaven and gobbled her's right up. So did her little sister. Our other two are a bit pickier when it comes to just about any food, so one ate most of it before deciding he didn't want any more cake and the other boycotted it all together. Emmy Lou and Abbycakes were pleased because they each got part of her's! Oh well... her loss. The Hubby and I thought they were pretty yummy!

Next time I'll add a tiny bit more sweetener so it's not quite as dark, and I'll try out a true whipped frosting for the top. It's definitely a keeper recipe for future birthdays. I'm really learning to love the cake in a mug recipes! The best part is that there weren't any super rich leftovers teasing us this morning! Yet it was 100% on plan!

After everyone was tucked in bed, The Hubby whipped up the makings for more breakfast burritos while I made the girls' lunches. Emmy Lou is rocking the no-sugar lifestyle at both my house and her dad's and she is really grasping what it means to be a Trim Healthy Kiddo!! She's doing really well with snack options, even when I'm not around to help, and turning down offers that don't fit into her goals right now. I found an uneaten cookie in her lunchbox last night and she told me they passed them out after school, but she didn't eat her's. I'm really impressed with how well she's doing.

I think this would be so much easier if she'd just given up candy, or something a bit less general than "sugar". She's starting to see that there's sugar in EVERYTHING! I think it's been an eye opener and I'm proud of her for setting this goal and being willing to learn as she goes!

With that said, I thought it would be fun to give a glimpse into her lunch box for a change. She has to bring a morning snack, lunch and an afternoon snack to get her through the whole school day. The school doesn't provide any snacks and she shies away from hot lunch right now. So, here's what her lunch box looks like fully packed...

What's in the Box?

Oikos 000 Vanilla Green Yogurt - Snack
Natural PB & Jelly on low-carb wrap
Blue Corn Chips
2 Cuties
Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Cheesecake Ball (red container)
Carrots & Ranch Dressing (blue container) - Snack
Applesauce - spare item she'll probably eat with a snack
Two small ice packs (not pictured here)

Emmy Lou is a pretty hearty eater, so we are constantly asking her if she's getting enough to eat with her current options. She keeps telling us she is, so that's going well. She also complains about being hungry between meals a lot less with her current eating habits. Her lunch box is always empty by the time she gets home, but unlike before Lent she doesn't complain about "starving" before dinner is served in the evenings. Score one for Mom!! I honestly think she wasn't feeling completely satisfied because she was eating empty calories. 

She also keeps a water bottle in her bag that she fills up a couple of times a day to drink with each meal. They are allowed to keep a water bottle at their desk as long as it is spill proof. I love that option!!! 

Less than 30 days left of Lent and we a still chugging along. Abbycakes has been giving us a little bit of a struggle at dinner, but she goes in spurts on eating like a rock star and driving me batty as I walk her through each bite. We're working on that. Thankfully both of our five year olds are pretty decent eaters compared to stories I hear from moms with kids their age, so I won't complain too much. She may put up a fuss once in a while at dinner, but there's seldom a meal she doesn't finish. 

I have to say that dinner time has come a long way in our house the past year. We have our moments, but for the most part the kids all know that it's not really open for discussion. We're not short order cooks, so you can eat what we serve or go hungry till the next meal. Thankfully, they choose to eat more often than not. We also make sure we have a mixture of meals that we know they like to throw in with ones we know they need to try, so it's a nice balance. We often remind them that we haven't poisoned any of them yet!


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