Back From The Brink of Death...

Or so it felt! Sorry to be MIA all week. It's been a crazy week and I can't say that I'm 100% recovered yet.

So, last I left you all, it was just before Valentine's weekend. Well, we kicked off the weekend with an indoor camp out. Unfortunately, only one kid managed to stay in the tent all night. The other ended up propped up on pillows with a nasty cough - after getting her nebbie, slathering her with Vicks and forcing some meds down her throat.

By the next morning, she seemed to have lost her cough, but little sister found it. Thankfully, both were in good spirits. After breakfast (they each designed their own THM-friendly breakfast - it is highly entertaining to watch Abbycakes try to be just like her big sis with her food choices!) we headed out for a day of fun.

I also want to add a side note that both girls are doing awesome with what they've given up for lent! Em is very aware of what she's eating and trying to eliminate sugar as best as she can and Abby has declined several chocolate offers - not all that easy this time of the year!

First I took the girls bowling for our Valentine's date since I had them on a Saturday I wouldn't usually have had them. We had a blast. Abbycakes won both games and I can admit I was solidly whooped by a five year old!

After that, we headed out to get some ice cream to drop off with The Hubby and his shift at the fire station as a special treat from the girls. It was all their idea. We also had to stop so the girls could get The Hubby a Valentine. I love that Emmy Lou can read now. She spent a solid 20 minutes looking for the perfect card! It was a good day. Plus, the kids never get sick of going to the fire station and checking everything out!

The day ended with me passing them off to their dad, after several hugs and kisses, just before dinner. and having a mini girls night with my best friend. I made us shrimp scampi and we chilled with a movie and a glass of wine. It was some much needed big girl time! The movie was stupid, but we still had fun!

Finally it was Valentine's Day and it was a good day. For any who follow this blog, you know that The Hubby and I really don't need a holiday to get out and have some fun. It just so happened that he had that particular day off and we made the most of it! Coffee at Starbucks for breakfast, and adventure at my first Bloody Mary Bar (wayyyy outside my bubble, but it wasn't too bad). As I suspected, I liked the goodies more than the drink, but surprisingly that wasn't horrible either.

Then we headed out to go rock climbing! I've been wanting to go with The Hubby for years now, so I finally decided it was time! We had a great time and our arms were absolute mush by the time we finished up. The final wall we both tried to climb was absolutely pointless... our arms were basically jelly!

He was definitely better at it than me!

Not the best view for sure!

Once we were thoroughly exhausted, and had played a few games in the attached arcade, we headed to the movie theater to see the new Star Wars. Here's where things started to take a turn. I always get cold in the movie theater, so I didn't think anything of the chill I felt, but my stomach was just ugh! We had planned to go out for mexican after the movie, but I just wasn't up for it, so we headed home to let the dogs out and went to a restaurant close to home. I couldn't even eat half of my dinner and having a drink with it didn't even slightly appeal to me. I felt worse and worse as we sat there.

By the time we got home I knew I was sick and I was frustrated. I'd had a cold for a solid month and the night before had started to feel slightly stuffy again, so I was figuring I was making another round with the crud. Then I got a fever. I NEVER get a fever. The Hubby tucked me in with five blankets (poor guy was probably sweltering next to me) and by morning my fever had just gotten higher. 

As my temp continued to climb and I could not get warm, I kept grumbling about being sick on a holiday (work was closed due to President's Day). I had too much to do!! I finally accepted my fate and headed to the walk-in clinic in hopes of getting something to kick this crap fast. A couple of hours, a strep test, a flu test and an x-ray later I was diagnosed with pneumonia and sent to the pharmacy with a couple prescriptions. I would have killed to skip that step and just curl into a ball and cry at that point, but I still had a busy day to attend to. 

I was less than thrilled that I had to cancel my massage appointment I had been looking forward to and definitely dreaded letting my boss know I'd be out most of the week. Doc's note had me out till today, now I understand why! This crap wipes you OUT!

On a happy note, my chiropractor was willing to brave my germs and took away some aches and pains for me. Plus, my pain doc was still willing to move forward with my next shot for my side pain and decided to move this one into my spine to hopefully block the pain by injecting nerves at their starting point. No major verdict on that yet since walking is exhausting right now. It'll be a few more days before I test out the success of the shot with running.

By the time I finally got home, I passed out on the couch off and on until around 7pm when I asked The Hubby to come home and take me in the ER. I couldn't get my fever to come down and my head hurt so much with each cough that I was feeling nauseous! A few hours, two bags of IV fluid and several meds later I was on my way home feeling a bit more human and mostly fever free!

From there it's been a few days of cuddling with critters, watching Netflix and counting down the hours to my next dose of cough meds. 

I think she loved that I was home sick!

My mom came into town to help me get the girls to and from school the one day The Hubby had to work. I am so thankful she can come to my rescue when she does! The girls have been on their absolute BEST behavior!! No fights, lots of cuddles with mom and lots of entertaining themselves...

Creating their own sledding hill out of the snow removal pile!

Emmy Lou helping Abbycakes with some kind of math game.

Today I'm finally back to work. I feel about 3/4 human. I'm still wiped out, but I'll get over that. I don't have a huge appetite, but I know it will eventually come back with my energy. My ribs and head hurt from coughing, but that too shall pass. I'm just happy not to have a fever anymore. And I think my kiddos are happy to see me upright!

On a happy note... I finished my 28-day challenge with a 5 1/2 pound loss. And... even after overindulging a little bit over the weekend, I'm down another 1/2 pound this morning! I know I was up at least 6 mid-week because I snuck a peek. Shhhh!! Being sick kept me on track, but now it's time for me to consciously make an effort to STAY on track for the next five weeks. 


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