That's Much Better
I feel MUCH more like myself today. Actually, I felt pretty good all weekend. It was another busy weekend. Imagine that! But it was super productive too. Friday I bought all of the supplies for everyone's Halloween costumes. That took a lot of anxiety out of the mix. I feel much more ready, although I still have pieces to make this week. I know I'll have it all done for the kids' class Halloween parties on Friday. I also spent all day on Saturday editing and made major progress there as well.
While I was doing all of this, The Hubby was working on detail stuff in the basement. We now have baseboards, new doors on the closets (and they are framed in), a clean laundry room (that was the catch all room for everything when we started moving stuff out of the basement because it was the only dry room in the lower level and we had laundry coming out our ears) and I got a new closet!!! Isn't it purrrdy??? I love it though! It's not completely done. He's going to put a lower bar on the left and figure out a bit more lighting, but I love it! It truly is the little things in life.

While I was doing all of this, The Hubby was working on detail stuff in the basement. We now have baseboards, new doors on the closets (and they are framed in), a clean laundry room (that was the catch all room for everything when we started moving stuff out of the basement because it was the only dry room in the lower level and we had laundry coming out our ears) and I got a new closet!!! Isn't it purrrdy??? I love it though! It's not completely done. He's going to put a lower bar on the left and figure out a bit more lighting, but I love it! It truly is the little things in life.
Oh and here's our new bed set, lamps and a pieces of our bedroom set too. The bed frame has a later delivery date, but it is all really coming together.
We're still working on the rest of the basement, but here's a pic I took last week after we got the new couch was delivered and The Hubby put together the entertainment center. I have a blank canvas now... I can't wait to decorate! My dad is going to box in the posts in the middle too, so those will be painted to match. We are absolutely loving the updates!
I did pull The Hubby away from his non-stop manual labor to take him out for an evening of adult fun on Saturday though. We went to our first Murder Mystery Dinner. The story was written by an old teacher of mine and the night was an absolute blast. We laughed so hard that my stomach muscles were sore when I woke up yesterday morning!
We wrapped up the weekend by running errand after errand yesterday. More work on the house, making food, doing homework... we also ended up with two of the kiddos a day early, so the chaos kicked into full swing in the afternoon. But it was a great weekend and my mood lifted a bit more each day. It feels so good to be me again!
So, I took my own advice from last week and really started to pay attention to things outside of the scale that show my progress. Here are a couple for you.
I haven't been able to wear my sapphire ring on that finger since I was playing hockey my freshman year of college. About four months later it was permanently banned to my right hand, ring finger.
First I realize, I need a new do! LOL This is my lazy, I'm-Not-A-Morning-Person hair do. Other than that... The first pic was taken today and the second pic was taken in May (pre-THM). I love visual progress!!
Every once in a while I need reminders of how much I've changed. It's too easy to get into a funk and it's even easier to become dependent on the number on the scale moving as a true sign of progress. Well, screw the scale! (Pardon my language) I will never be a super light person. I will never be a super skinny person. But I will be a happy, healthy person. Shoot... I'm already there. Changes from here on out are bonuses really. I'd love to see a lower number on the scale, but even more than that I would love to see my arms and tummy tighten up and a true smile on my face instead of a scowl. I won't be that person who walks around looking crabby. We all know someone like that right?! Well, i refuse to look like that. No frown lines for this girl!
So, this week we are going back to basics. Simple meals, eating every three hours, making sure we're eating true E, S or FP meals and not slipping into crossovers, and limiting the desserts or overzealous amounts of yummies in our meals. I learned the KISS idea when I was a kid and it applies here. I came from a generation where it was okay to say it this way, although I believe they have since changed it. Keep It Simple Stupid! Here's what that looks like.
Breakfast - Choc PB Protein Shake
Lunch - Grilled Chicken Salad with Tuscan EVOO, an ounce of shredding cheese, and cucumbers
Snack - Apple & String Cheese
Dinner - Chicken Enciladas - THM friendly of course
Dessert - Skinny Peanut Butter Cups
Breakfast - Choc PB Protein Shake
Lunch - Grilled Chicken Salad with Tuscan EVOO, an ounce of shredding cheese, and cucumbers
Snack - Apple & String Cheese
Dinner - Turkey Roast in the crock pot, garlic quinoa and green beans
Dessert - THM Apple Turnover (I'll post the recipe with a review)
Wednesday - Girl Scouts after work and then to karate and to a haunted shack!
Breakfast - Choc PB Protein Shake
Lunch - Turkey w/Laughing Cow Cheese on Sourdough Bread and cucumbers
Snack - Greek Yogurt
Snack - Apple w/String Cheese
Dinner - Scrambled Eggs w/cheese
Breakfast - Choc PB Protein Shake
Lunch - Grilled Chicken Salad with Tuscan EVOO, an ounce of shredding cheese, and cucumbers
Snack - Greek Yogurt and an apple
Dinner - Egg Sandwich w/turkey bacon
Breakfast - Choc PB Protein Shake
Lunch - Turkey w/Laughing Cow Cheese on Sourdough Bread and an apple
Snack - Greek Yogurt
Dinner - Buffalo Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken Breast w/Gouda & Bacon Mash Cauliflower and green beans
Dessert - Peanut Butter Whip
Notice I've greatly increased my veggie intake again. I've also increased my water intake. I'm proud to report that I'm still off of soda, well, REAL soda. I do drink a Zevia every now and then. I haven't had a Diet Coke in over four months! WOOT WOOT!!! Happy Monday everyone!
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