October Craziness!!
They really need to stop growing up so fast. On the other hand... I'm really enjoying them as little people right now. Definite personality, cute as heck to watch at karate and full of excitement over every little thing we plan to do. I go through bouts of baby fever, but that's just not happening. Honestly, I love having four independent little people. We don't have to pack extra bags, clothes, bottles, etc. for a simple outing. We all just hop in the van and we're off. There's something to be said about that for sure.
And then they do something like THIS and my heart smiles and swells. It's pretty darn full! She's such a goofball!
So, I have good news to report! I made it through the rest of the day completely on plan and all day today. This evening The Hubby and I are going shopping for new furniture for the basement and we'll stop at Chipotle for our favorite on-plan fast food dinner - a salad!! Mmmm!!! Their salads are so yummy and full of flavor. A little bit of salsa and you don't even need their dressing. Tomorrow we have a birthday luncheon for a co-worker. I'll be signed into the call center, so it will be harder for me to get away and browse the buffet over and over - the one silver lining to a phone day! I'll indulge on the THM-friendly foods that are on the menu and then lock myself back in my cave... I mean office. Baby steps!! I'm not starting over, but I am re-training my brain, so it's a day by day thing.
Oh and I lied to all of you, well, I accidentally lied. There's no karate on Tuesday nights for The Hubby and I. Oops! Glad someone told me when I brought it up at class last night - which was an absolutely awesome class by the way! Tomorrow I have my very first Girl Scout meeting as a leader. EEEK!! My plans are pretty much ready, I just have to pick up a snack tonight for the troop. Wish me luck! My awesome hubby is also bringing the pups to school tomorrow morning for Bless The Pets before Wednesday Mass (the girls go to a Catholic school) - one crazy, spazz of a chocolate lab and a goofy rat terrier. That should be interesting! The girls are beyond excited. I'll also finish packing tomorrow night as we hit the road bright and early on Thursday morning to get the girls to school and me to my appointment for my shot. DOUBLE EEEK! Yeah, I'm nervous, I'll say it. I'm also trying not to get my hopes up that this will be my magic potion. We'll see! One more day of work and then it's VACATION TIME! We have so much fun planned!!!!
If you don't hear from me tomorrow, it just means that furniture shopping was the death of me. So many decisions....
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