School Shopping... FOR SIX!!!
Yup, that's me! I got the official acceptance email today. All six of us will officially be attending school this fall. That sounds absolutely crazy, but I told a friend that it's better we all go now and juggle the homework load than when the kids are middle schoolers! So, we outfitted The Hubby with a new laptop last night, plus new school shoes and clothes. Kidding! He really did get new, much needed, shoes and some shorts for his ever shrinking body! For once we both stepped into dressing rooms last night without the typical grown and "I hate doing this" comment muttered under our breaths! I will call that one an NSV!
I was looking at our fall calendar and it is filling up incredibly fast with more and more being added daily it feels. All four kids return to school September 8th (which will be here before we know it). The Hubby's classes begin September 2nd... HA HA SUCKER! Since mine start a full week later on September 9th. I get an extra week of summer vacation! Yeah right... what is summer vacation when you work full-time too?? I've also volunteered myself as the Girl Scout leader to not just ONE troop, but TWO! Yeah, I might have been a little too high on the excitement of my acceptance letter when I called the Girl Scout office. Oh well. It will be fun and the girls will love it!
Add in swim team for the oldest and karate for the younger three and I believe our fall will kick off to a wonderfully busy start! Everyone is very excited about their extra curricular activities. The oldest is actually going to start next week and try it out for a couple of months until swim team is in full swing. Then we'll slow down on karate and focus on a season of swim before switching back to karate before softball season next spring. WHEW!! Yeah, she's 8! And we have 4! We try to keep it to a minimum of running, but with four kids all right around the same age, I think it's only going to get busier as they get older! Again, another reason why it's best that the adults wrap up college in these early years.
So, school starts four weeks from today. The list of things to do before then is insane, but at least I've gone through drawers and played dress up with all four kids so we know what we have and what we need as far as kids go. How do they keep growing so quickly? And how does a kid jump two shoe sizes? I mean, don't your current shoes feel tight?? Shouldn't there be a pause in between? And NO flip flops are not an option for school attire... much to the dismay of pretty much all four kids. How is that such a major battle?? "Go put your shoes on, please." Kid comes out in flip flops. "Ummm... please go put your SHOES on." "Mom, I do have shoes on." GAHHH!!! They know too! They know the difference because we've had this conversation with each of them about 50x all summer and last summer too! It's like a bad scene from Groundhogs Day that didn't make the cut!
Anyway... I'm excited to get back into fall and structure. I'm loving our summer fun, but things get chaotic and schedules get thrown off... we're working on re-training for school bedtimes as of this week. Great fun! Half the house are NOT morning people and basically they are the ones who all share blood with me! UGH! I hate mornings. That's the only thing I'm really not looking forward to about school. Our youngest girl can often be heard saying, "I don't want to go to school anymore." on especially tired mornings. I always follow it up with, "Suck it up, buttercup! You have another 13+ years to go!" Yeah, I'm mean!
I'm done rambling now! This week is pretty low key as far as evening events. We have our menu planned out, complete with a new recipe to try out. We'll be trying Cauliflower Stromboli this week. Stay tuned to find read the critic reviews on that one. I believe we will have a full house for that recipe! I've also gotten a request to update my Pinterest boards to include one that has just the big hit recipes we've tried with THM so far. I'll be working on that soon - my Pinterest needs a serious makeover! Once I get that updated, I'll share here for those who would care to follow that board, or any of my THM or low carb boards.
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