Bittersweet Day

Today is a bittersweet day for me. My parents officially signed the documents and sold their house today. I've had such mixed feelings about it since they accepted the offer. I know this is a great thing for them! They have been managing and paying for two homes for almost 18 years. Actually, my parents signed the papers for the purchase of the cabin almost 18 years ago today and starting building their now-home 8 years ago last month. That seems absolutely crazy to me!

But this one was my home. While my siblings all had two "homes", I had one. Once I left, I couldn't stay away. It was my safety net. My parents have always been there for me and on more than one occasion have opened their arms and their doors to their adult child to come home when necessary. Without them and their hospitality and generosity, and without this house, I wouldn't be where I am today.

In 2005, after my ex had gotten his 2nd DUI and had spent time in jail I wanted nothing more than to go home - to my family and friends and support system (I lived 90 miles away). Within a few months I had lined up a job, packed my bags and moved back in with my parents. My ex followed a few months later and we rented a little house five minutes away about a month later.

In 2010 we were in the process of trying to buy a home and living here with my parents when my youngest made her grand entrance! This was the home I brought her home to. This is where she slept in her crib for the first time and where she had her first bath.

The next month we closed on our house and moved back out. A year later I found myself back in that safety net as I separated from my ex again. I knew I needed to change something for my kids, but I gave it one more try. Then a few months later I made my final decision to leave for good. I sat down with my mom and cried and told her my decision. She opened her arms and welcomed me back home again. For 2 1/2 years I raised my girls in my childhood home.

 We enjoyed time with family and friends there... To my girls, this was HOME.

My baby had her first and last day in her crib there...

We celebrated first days of school there...

We celebrated birthdays and holidays there...

We played in our backyard there...

We added to our family there...

This was my childhood home and my adult home. I have had so many memories of years gone by, pets we enjoyed there, holidays we celebrated and so much more. I love that my girls got to do some growing up there too and that they called it home as well. This house was my sanctuary and my place to run to. My babies felt safe here. Our extended family began here. This was home to so many!

Last night the girls, The Hubby and I stopped by for one last walk through and one last goodbye knowing that tomorrow someone else would walk in and call this house a home. As we walked through the youngest looked out her old bedroom window and said, "I loved looking out this window!" Awwww.

So we said our goodbyes. We walked through each room and the girls shared their memories and happy thoughts and said goodbye to each room as we walked through it. Then we took some final pictures.

And walked away...

Congrats to my parents!! I know that this is a huge milestone and the close of yet another chapter in their book. But this is also a major blessing as they will now only have one house to pay bills on instead of two! This was the final step to a permanent move to the house my dad built for them. This is a good thing. This is another memory to file away.


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