To Start Theme Posts? That Is The Question!

I'm trying to decide if I want to start daily themed posts to keep myself on track or if I just want to fly by the seat of my pants. I'm really on the fence with this one. I don't think I'd want to do it everyday, but maybe just one day a week? I'm undecided! I also want to start a challenge, but there are so many challenges out there on Facebook and Instagram and whatever today that I don't want to just add another one to the mix.

I know we all have friends on Facebook who post about Beachbody, or Herbalife, or Thrive, or Body By Vi, or... I think you get the picture. I give a major thumbs up to those individuals. Awesome on you for making changes you want to make to your life and trying to help others in the process. I love it! I support it! I just want to be a little different. I guess that's why I use this blog as my own Personal Diary/Informative Diet Blog/Recipe Sharing Location/Whatever Strikes My Fancy That Day type thing.

I also know that I tend to do better when I'm here. If I post and see how many people check it or hear back from people, I find myself more motivated to stay on track. I don't want to let myself down, but I also don't want to let others down. Crazy, I know, considering this is MY journey and MY goals, but I'm a very social person and I know that if I screw up, that I will come here and tell you I screwed up. Not because I have to, but because of the diary part of that above statement. I need to be honest with myself too! Also, when I'm totally sucking at being on track, or at life in general, I tend to avoid this place because I feel like I suck. Makes complete sense right? Being here helps, but when I'm off track I don't come here, which is one of the big things that will get me back on track... WOW! I need to stop now.

So, personally I need to be more active. I have goals to lose weight and get healthy, but I also have plans to tone up and help my body out a bit. Get that metabolism really burning! I've mentioned wanting to do weights and that I like to run and swim. Running is still out and my shoulder isn't up for 100% weights yet, so I figured that my idea of what I need to do for me will be different than what you need to do for you.

Then I got an email... A photography client had her baby and asked when I can take pictures of her new pink bundle. BAM! Inspiration!!

I'm going to work on setting up a photo challenge. Almost everyone has a camera on their phone these days, so this one will be easy. I think I'm going to link it to Instagram so that if we have several people who want to play this game, they can post there. It doesn't have to show up in your Facebook feed and I won't make you join another Facebook group.

I'm working out the details and putting together a list. I want to make this challenge easy and I don't want people to feel like they have to bail just because they missed a day or two. So, I'll post it week by week. People can jump in and out whenever they want. It's just a fun way to show off your NSV's or your goals. If you're like me and have the attention span of a red squirrel, then I'll make this easy for all of us. My goal is to motivate those who need it. Give you the extra push if you are really close to making some kind of change in your life - fitness, weight, health, job, whatever it's related to. But we will always start the week with what our goal is for that week. Simple enough. Your goal, but I'll be here for accountability. How does that sound?

Just stay tuned... I'll start working on it and have one ready for next week. I'll also post a weekly, beginner workout if anyone would like to join me. I'll post both together and you can join one or both. You can remain anonymous and just know, yourself, that we are doing this together, or you can give me a shout out here, on Facebook or through the Instagram group.

Well, how's that for awesome?! I guess I answered my own question... I'll do a challenge and have a theme. I'll probably post the photo challenge and my weekly workout on Sundays. I'll work out the details and make post before the end of the week. See how I worked through all that in my head as I typed this out? THAT is what I love about this blog being a whatever blog! Sorry to those of you who read this and are now sitting there feeling like you just wasted several minutes of your day reading my rambling thoughts!!


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