Dreams Are A Curious Thing

I have always been a vivid dreamer. Crazy enough, the last two nights I have had very vivid dreams and I've remembered them when I woke up. Even crazier is the common topic between the last two night's dreams... FOOD. Not just food, but fast food, restaurant food, all the food I haven't been eating the last 25 days. I kind of chuckled to myself this morning as I dreamed that The Hubby and I stopped by McD's to get food for all six of us on our way to an event and we were pressed for time. One of the kids piped up from the back seat, "But we don't eat this stuff anymore!" Then I woke up.

It must be my subconscious feeling deprived. I've been talking with friends and family a lot about what we are doing with food in our house and how the kids have noticed the lack of fast food and restaurants. I even told The Hubby that the girls and I are going out to dinner tomorrow night before we meet up with him at the annual summer school play (I've taken my girls every year and they are excited to add a guest to our tradition this year) since he has to work a 12 hour shift. So, I'm guessing that's where the dreams are coming from, but they are slightly humorous to me. Apparently my subconscious is missing the stuff that I haven't been missing consciously?? Better yet, the dreams don't even act as a reminder to what I'm missing and create a craving. I'm extremely shocked, but I have not craved McD's french fries at all in the last few weeks - they were my kryptonite!

So, we're nearing the weekend and I'm in planning mode. As usual, our weekend is jam packed full of stuff to do and it that craziness starts two days before the actual weekend does. What else is new? No, really, I am creating my own craziness tonight. I'm still trying to decide between heading straight to the gym or going home to go for a bike ride and then go home and do my shoulder exercises. Hmmm... The Hubby and I went golfing last night for the first time this year. I got to use the new clubs he bought me for Mother's Day and my shoulder held up!! It did remind me that I have been slacking on rehabbing and strengthening it, so that will commence immediately. I'll start with canned goods tonight if I do my workout at home, but tomorrow will buy some small hand weights to get back in track.

Tomorrow, as I mentioned, is dinner and a show - The Little Mermaid Jr. to be exact. If you are local, these shows are always a great date night with the kids! That link will take you to their Facebook page and more info about the showtimes. Saturday I have a day alone with my two girlies. I'm so excited! I hope to take them to a movie and we may hit a part of town hosting a little festival. So many options, so little time, but we will get out and have fun! Finally, Sunday the oldest will participate in her first triathlon! I'm so excited for her. She's totally beating me to it, but she is so excited to do this. It's a kid's triathlon that is part of a big festival in a city about an hour away, but I watched it a couple of years in a row and knew that I wanted to watch my kids do it. Now that we have all of them on two wheelers and we are gaining some solid swimmers, I think we will be adding a couple more to the competition next year. This year, Emmy Lou is the only one who will participate and the rest of us will be there to cheer her on. It's a super fun event!

So, let the craziness commence! I know I've said it before, but I love summer!! So many more options for activities and fun outings, plus a smorgasbord of berries, fruits and veggies straight out of the garden.... Ahhhhhhhhhh!


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