Friday Fun Day!

Shoot, any Friday during the summer when it's sunny and beautiful out is a Friday Fun Day! This one is a little extra fun though. It's a birthday party weekend for our little ones! They both turned 5 this month, so we're having a big party for them. I love outdoor, summer birthday parties!!!

The hubby and I are planning ahead to make sure that the food on hand is THM friendly. Sure, there will be temptations, but that's life. The best part about this plan is that we can go to regular backyard parties and enjoy ourselves. Some of the foods may not be on plan, but it's hard to not find SOMETHING that you can enjoy. Plus, it's not as much about the food as it is about the friends and fun! Tomorrow is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous and we will have about 40 people at the house. I LOVE SUMMER!!!! (Okay, did anyone else just picture Olaf from the movie Frozen right there??)

An update on our new dinner recipe last night... Well, we had the two pickiest eaters at the dinner table last night. The were soooo excited to be having "cheesy spaghetti" until they looked at it. Wait, this isn't our usual spaghetti!

We've been working hard for the past two years with these two. Their list of allowable meal items was very small and the idea of adding to it was met with extreme stubbornness. Thankfully, over the past couple of years we've managed to introduce several new foods that they have actually realized that they like. We don't ask much with trying new things. Give it a solid effort, don't make noises or faces, and trying it once and stating you don't like it doesn't mean that's the end of it forever. We'll ask them to try it several times and usually, by about the 4th or 5th time it's served, they find out that it's not as horrible as they originally thought. Crazy how the brain works huh? By the way, when I mean "try," I mean that we put about 4-5 bites of the new food on their plate and they have to eat it if they want anything else - seconds, dessert, etc. Most nights we can coax them through those few bites. This is true with three of the four of our kiddos. The oldest... she'll try just about anything we ask her to without a peep. That usually helps motivate the others, being she didn't die from eating it and all!

Anyway... they turned their noses up to the "cheesy noodles" since it wasn't TRULY cheesy noodles - AKA macaroni n cheese. But, after some motivation, they did eat the four bites on their plate. New texture and new food, so it was to be expected. Hopefully the next time goes a bit smoother. The hubby mixed his with grilled chicken and I ate mine as a side, but I did like the addition of a meat with it over it being a stand alone meal.

So, tonight's meal is tacos. Yes, we could have regular tacos. We would just need to make sure that we are using low carb tortilla shells (these would be an S meal). But tonight's tacos are going to be lettuce wrapped to use up the last of our head of lettuce from our burgers the other night. Also, tonight we will make the kids' tacos out of beef, but we're going to try a recipe I found online for Cilantro Lime Turkey Tacos. It looks amazing!!

Either way, we will have a variety of yumminess tonight. As long as we rinse the meat and use fat free salsa (which ours is), then this alone is an FP meal. With the addition of 3/4 cup brown rice it would be an E Meal (less fat, more carbs). I have a feeling we will mix it up a bit between beef and turkey, so I will leave out the rice and the tacos alone will be an S meal (more fat, less carbs). Am I solidly confusing you yet??

This really is a learning curve, but I feel like I'm getting it. I've been reading the book, blogs and Facebook pages for almost a year now, so I sort of educated myself before jumping in. Still, I question myself and have to ask for help on one of the boards, but it's starting to click. The hubby would disagree! *hee hee* He'll get there. Like I said, I've been scouring information for months, so I'm a little ahead of him in the THM education department.

I believe the challenge will be worth it. We aren't even a full week in and I saw the lowest number on the scale that I've seen since January of last year!! I also went for a bike ride last night and while I was huffing and puffing and definitely exerting myself, I didn't get any left side pain - although it's not super prominent when I'm biking. My hope is that cutting out the sugar and working on improving my liver health (I'm taking probiotics as well) that I will eliminate that pain. My theory is that it's from an irritated fatty liver... but the jury is still out on that one. It's worth a shot though!


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