Wide Butt Syndrome!
I had to take a break... get up, walk around and stretch out a bit. I realized, as I sat here working, my butt hurts!! So many of us have office jobs where we sit in front of a computer and work for several hours straight, often not taking a break. After dinner is made, kids are bathed and put to bed, and dinner is cleaned up many of us sit back down to rest or wind down for the evening and check out Facebook or watch our favorite tv shows. I've read so many articles about people who have desk jobs and live sedentary lives and the negative affects it has on our bodies.
So, my sore butt got me thinking... as I sit here, and feel my bum widen, I need to make extra efforts to not be one of many statistics out there. Yes, running has helped. My eating habits have been suffering lately and I will sadly admit that the only thing keeping the weight from creeping back on is my motivation to kick that same butt in the race next month. But then what??
Winter is coming! It's time to set up a feasible plan and beat the battle of the bulge over the holiday season. I know I'm a wimp when it comes to running outside in sub-zero temperatures. Heck, I'm afraid I'll slip on the ice and break a hip if I'm being totally honest! So, what's the plan?
I know many of my friends who read this don't have it in their budget to join a gym. I'm definitely one of those. I may have to suck it up and adjust my budget to make room for 3 months of gym membership. But then there's the problem choosing from the many gyms in the area. There are options and there are pros and cons to them all, but what makes a gym the right gym for YOU? That's a question I've been bouncing around in my head for a good month now.
Sure, I cut out the time to run right now. I have a goal in mind. I'm a very goal oriented and competitive person. If I don't have a carrot dangled in front of my face then I'm probably not going to do what I need to do. It sad, but it's the truth.
So, in an effort not to see my butt get wider over the coming months, and to keep my scale from screaming obscenities at me as I break down and enjoy some of the holiday yummies that are bound to tempt me... I'm on a mission! I need to figure out the best carrot to dangle in front of my nose.
What are your plans for this coming winter? Have you thought about how to keep the scale from creeping up as more and more well-meaning co-workers bring their goodies in to share with those they work with? While many of us are figuring out ways to buy Christmas presents, make time to see loved ones, make travel plans, etc. are you stopping for a second to remember to take time for YOU? I find it easier to do that when the weather is nice and I'm motivated to get moving. I'm worried about the next 4 months ahead.
If I've learned anything in the last 9 months, it's that I have to plan and schedule time for me. I have to force myself to schedule workouts, time to shop for healthy options so I'm not falling back on quick meals and fast food, and even mental health time... those short moments when Mommy can step back, take a deep breath, sort through her head and then face the challenges ahead.
So, here's my challenge to you... prepare! Plan ahead! Don't let the snow and holidays sneak up on you leaving you wondering what the heck you're going to do to stay on track. Share with me, comment here or shoot me a Facebook message, join a group of friends and motivate each other, or just write it down somewhere where you will see it and remember what your plans are. This year, don't regret the decisions you make. Be proud of the decisions you made and the actions you took!
So, my sore butt got me thinking... as I sit here, and feel my bum widen, I need to make extra efforts to not be one of many statistics out there. Yes, running has helped. My eating habits have been suffering lately and I will sadly admit that the only thing keeping the weight from creeping back on is my motivation to kick that same butt in the race next month. But then what??
Winter is coming! It's time to set up a feasible plan and beat the battle of the bulge over the holiday season. I know I'm a wimp when it comes to running outside in sub-zero temperatures. Heck, I'm afraid I'll slip on the ice and break a hip if I'm being totally honest! So, what's the plan?
I know many of my friends who read this don't have it in their budget to join a gym. I'm definitely one of those. I may have to suck it up and adjust my budget to make room for 3 months of gym membership. But then there's the problem choosing from the many gyms in the area. There are options and there are pros and cons to them all, but what makes a gym the right gym for YOU? That's a question I've been bouncing around in my head for a good month now.
Sure, I cut out the time to run right now. I have a goal in mind. I'm a very goal oriented and competitive person. If I don't have a carrot dangled in front of my face then I'm probably not going to do what I need to do. It sad, but it's the truth.
So, in an effort not to see my butt get wider over the coming months, and to keep my scale from screaming obscenities at me as I break down and enjoy some of the holiday yummies that are bound to tempt me... I'm on a mission! I need to figure out the best carrot to dangle in front of my nose.
What are your plans for this coming winter? Have you thought about how to keep the scale from creeping up as more and more well-meaning co-workers bring their goodies in to share with those they work with? While many of us are figuring out ways to buy Christmas presents, make time to see loved ones, make travel plans, etc. are you stopping for a second to remember to take time for YOU? I find it easier to do that when the weather is nice and I'm motivated to get moving. I'm worried about the next 4 months ahead.
If I've learned anything in the last 9 months, it's that I have to plan and schedule time for me. I have to force myself to schedule workouts, time to shop for healthy options so I'm not falling back on quick meals and fast food, and even mental health time... those short moments when Mommy can step back, take a deep breath, sort through her head and then face the challenges ahead.
So, here's my challenge to you... prepare! Plan ahead! Don't let the snow and holidays sneak up on you leaving you wondering what the heck you're going to do to stay on track. Share with me, comment here or shoot me a Facebook message, join a group of friends and motivate each other, or just write it down somewhere where you will see it and remember what your plans are. This year, don't regret the decisions you make. Be proud of the decisions you made and the actions you took!
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