Run like you're being chased!
It occured to me tonight that I never updated after my race last weekend. Wow! What a crazy experience! First off, I have to say that it was awesome to have family members there running and supporting me through the whole thing! Bare with me because I'm going to lay out the whole race so I can reflect back on it later when I have self doubt or wonder if I can do long distance races (and yes, 9 miles was a long distance for this gal!)
First off, it was a small race. The 9-miler had 77 racers participate. It was a weird race too. LOL There was a 9-miler and 5K going on at the same time. So, about 30 minutes before the race was to start I ate my little bag of energy jelly beans - my pre-race energy goodie of choice. :) Think Jelly Bellies with a little extra umph. I lined up with my sister-in-law, Terra, while my brother - Mr. Distance Runner (he runs marathons, so 9 miles was a breeze for him - lined up near the front. Terra and I decided our best option was to line up at the back. I knew I wouldn't be setting any race records that day. LOL At the starting line the road is split down the center line. The 5Kers lined up alongside of us, only facing the opposite direction. We were running clockwise around the lake while they were running 1.6 up counter clockwise and back from our final water station.
When they said go, it was a bit of a mind bender to start running and have the people along side of you running in the opposite direction! But we headed off in our respective directions with Chris, Terra and I hitting the long trail and my mom headed the opposite direction. It was a little disheartening to look back at the start of the race and see the bikers right behind me. For those unfamiliar with races, bikers usually bring up the tail behind the last racer. That way if anyone has any problems along the way, they can fall back and the bikers can alert the medics.
The first mile was down a quiet street, up onto the side of the highway. There was a festival going on in the parking lot of the campgrounds, so it was kind of fun to run by and see all the craft and selling stands setting up for the day. After a bit we turned off and headed the direction of the lake. The path was pretty level with minor rolling hills which was a good thing in my eyes! Our first water station was at 2 miles and just before the only big hill we had to climb. It was also at this point that I looked back - my sister-in-law, who informed me she was soooo slow had long since left me in her dust LOL - and saw that there was a runner behind me who the bikers were now following. Where she came from I have no idea!! But I was glad to see I wasn't last!
At the 3 mile mark I finally caught up to a couple of runners and was able to pass them. That helped boost my spirits a bit! Of course, within about 30 seconds the guy runner of that duo went blowing past me like I was tied to a tree! I was able to see him for about 2 minutes longer before I met up with him again at the finish line. LOL It was also at this point where I decided to break out the 2nd pack of jelly beans I had stashed in my arm band for mid-run. My theory was to eat the pack before the race for energy and then keep it up by eating 1/2 a second pack at 30 minutes and the other half around the hour mark... hopefully giving me enough fuel to finish.
At the 4 mile mark we met our second water station and I was very happy to see them. It was a warm day, but thankfully our path was almost all shaded by the trees on both sides of the road that wound around the lake. I kept glancing back to make sure that the runner I passed at mile 3 was staying a good distance behind me. Meanwhile, my little Nike+ app was keeping me updated on my progress. It was good to hear, "You are half way to your goal." at the 4.5 mile mark and then listen to the countdown as I knocked off each consequtive mile.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure the 2nd half of my bag of energy beans was my best plan at mile 5.5. LOL At the 6 mile water stop I took a drink and instantly felt sick to my stomach. I believe it was those nasty beans jumping around in my mostly empty belly. But I pushed on! Miles 6 to 7 were rough, but I refused to walk. And it was about this time I got inside my head and started to wonder what the hell I was thinking signing up for a half marathon!! LOL At the 7 mile mark I heard the little voice in my ear say, "Only 2 miles to go!" and got a 2nd (or 4th or 5th at this point) wind. I was able to pick it up and put more space between me and the runner in my rear view.
The 7.5 mile water stop was a blessing and a curse. I was afraid to drink more water, but knew that I needed it. My body was telling me it was running on fumes as far as hydration went. I knew I was slowing down and I hated it, I had become a clock watcher... checking my pace and distance every 20 seconds. Not a good idea when you still have over a mile to go.
At 8 miles I knew I was on the homestretch but seriously wondered how the hell I was going to make it to the finish line! I knew I needed to start focusing on little milestones if I was going to make it to the end. From miles 3 to the end there was never a single runner ahead of me. I really struggled with this. In previous races I always took the tip of finding someone close to my pace and just focusing on them to help me push through the hard spots. It always worked. But with no one in front of me, the only thing I had to focus on was not letting the girl behind me catch me! LOL
Anyway... so instead of focusing on the runner in front of me I started focusing on mailboxes. Every time I passed one, I'd focus on the next one. I refused to slow down any more than I already had. Imagine my frustration when I ran out of mailboxes! LOL Then it became trees, signs, anything ahead of me that I could focus on and keep my thoughts on so I wouldn't let myself get into my head and kill my goals.
For the last stretch of the race you run down that final road that the 5Kers started on. I swear I felt like I would NEVER see that road. I was struggling so bad on that last stretch before the turn. No mailboxes, no runners... there was NOTHING around me but road and bushes. I was just about to give in and start walking when I looked up and saw a very familiar face. I didn't realize how emotional I was until all that happened. I was doubting my ability to finish, wondering what the hell I was thinking considering myself a runner at all. I hadn't ever run this far! And in 6 weeks I had to run even farther!! WHAT THE.... ?!?! But the moment I saw my brother jogging toward me I knew I would finish and I would finish strong!
See, I have this horribly competitive side about me. Especially with my siblings, but most of all my brother. Heck, why do you think I became a hockey player?!?! Yup! I wanted to be just like him! I wish I would have videoed his facial expression when I told him I was running a 1/2 marathon in October. I don't think he thought he'd ever hear that come out of my mouth. Who am I kidding?!?! I didn't think I'd ever say those words! But there he was... my proverbial knight in shining armor - or underarmor! LOL I saw him and instantly teared up and felt my throat clog with tears. I was going to make it!!!! He jogged up to me, ran around the back of me and eased in matching my pace and started chatting. Asked me how I was feeling... "Like shit!" He laughed and told me I was almost there. Asked how my knees were holding up and actually they were doing great, my hips were screaming, but they'd carry me the rest of the distance. We kept up and easy banter, even with my huffing and puffing, and I realized that I was FLYING (well, for me anyway) so I glanced down at my phone and saw I had gone from a 13+ mile pace to just over 9 1/2 minute mile pace. WOOHOO!!! I could see the finish line!
Just before we got to the point where the cones split the road in two, he cut behind me, told me to stay to the right and finish strong. His last words were, "You got this!" And I did!! I thought my chest was going to explode, but I picked it up a bit more and cruised across that finish line to cheers and clapping... AWESOME FEELING!!!! I jogged a bit farther down the road and finally stopped and doubled over giving in to my body's need to just stop. My mom was by my side then and asking if I was okay... yeah, I'd live. Just let me find my breath. I did it!!! I ran 9 miles!!! I only allowed myself about 5-10 steps of walking a few times along the way, otherwise I ran and ran and ran!
The funny part is, it didn't feel like it was all that far or took that long. At the beginning my brother asked me what my goal was. I laughed and said, "To finish the race." LOL He said, "But do you have a time in mind?" I did... an hour and 45 minutes was my goal. According to their records I finished in 1:45:14!!! My phone said 1:44:39 which makes sense since I was at the back and it probably took me 45 seconds to cross the start line. I did it!!! And I made my goal!! And honestly, I wouldn't have done it if my brother hadn't been there for me when I needed someone the most. Brownie points for big bro! LOL
Afterward, my legs didn't really want to cooperate and help me walk around to get food, water and Gaterade, but they didn't have a choice. After everything was said and done my mom and I hopped back in the car and I asked if her if she wanted to see the route we ran. So, I drove her around, pointing out the water stops, where the ambulance passed me LOL, where I passed the other runners, where I felt like I was never going to make it to the end... and when we got back to the finish line it hit me again... I did it!! Driving it felt longer than running it! It seemed like I went so far. And you know what??? That race was the same distance it would take me to run to work! HA!! Weird comparison, but no way in heck would I run to work! That seems like it would be twice as far, but it's not. Insane!!!
The rest of the day I was exhausted and sore. The next day my legs were tired and sore, but the rest of my body was recouping quickly. And by the third day I was feeling pretty darn good! Back to work and able to walk up and down the stairs like any other day. My body had held up!!! Majorly promising for the rest of my training and my next big race! And when all was said and done, I was excited about getting back on the trail and training for 6 more weeks to improve my time and my endurance so that I was ready to tackle that half marathon I was dreading on mile 6! LOL Pretty crazy, but I completely understand the addiction to running!
And with all that said and done, this week was rough on my training runs. I'm hoping it was just my shoes... I bought new ones tonight. And I'll hit the road again tomorrow to test my theory. I've come too far to let anything get in my way now!! Oh, and another happy result of the longer miles and pushing through my runs this week is that I was down another pound this morning. One pound closer to my 40 pound goal and 5 weeks to run off the other 4! I also did some calculating and learned that I've lost over 35" across my body since I started training for this run. WOOHOO!!! But I'm also starting to fear what will happen when the snow starts to fly around here. Time to start making plans to stay in shape and not lose ground!
So, that was my run! Sorry it was so long, but it was quite the event. I'd do it again this weekend though! Yes, I'm insane!! But there's a big part of me that would like to do it again to see if I could improve my time. Ahhh... always a competition!
First off, it was a small race. The 9-miler had 77 racers participate. It was a weird race too. LOL There was a 9-miler and 5K going on at the same time. So, about 30 minutes before the race was to start I ate my little bag of energy jelly beans - my pre-race energy goodie of choice. :) Think Jelly Bellies with a little extra umph. I lined up with my sister-in-law, Terra, while my brother - Mr. Distance Runner (he runs marathons, so 9 miles was a breeze for him - lined up near the front. Terra and I decided our best option was to line up at the back. I knew I wouldn't be setting any race records that day. LOL At the starting line the road is split down the center line. The 5Kers lined up alongside of us, only facing the opposite direction. We were running clockwise around the lake while they were running 1.6 up counter clockwise and back from our final water station.
When they said go, it was a bit of a mind bender to start running and have the people along side of you running in the opposite direction! But we headed off in our respective directions with Chris, Terra and I hitting the long trail and my mom headed the opposite direction. It was a little disheartening to look back at the start of the race and see the bikers right behind me. For those unfamiliar with races, bikers usually bring up the tail behind the last racer. That way if anyone has any problems along the way, they can fall back and the bikers can alert the medics.
The first mile was down a quiet street, up onto the side of the highway. There was a festival going on in the parking lot of the campgrounds, so it was kind of fun to run by and see all the craft and selling stands setting up for the day. After a bit we turned off and headed the direction of the lake. The path was pretty level with minor rolling hills which was a good thing in my eyes! Our first water station was at 2 miles and just before the only big hill we had to climb. It was also at this point that I looked back - my sister-in-law, who informed me she was soooo slow had long since left me in her dust LOL - and saw that there was a runner behind me who the bikers were now following. Where she came from I have no idea!! But I was glad to see I wasn't last!
At the 3 mile mark I finally caught up to a couple of runners and was able to pass them. That helped boost my spirits a bit! Of course, within about 30 seconds the guy runner of that duo went blowing past me like I was tied to a tree! I was able to see him for about 2 minutes longer before I met up with him again at the finish line. LOL It was also at this point where I decided to break out the 2nd pack of jelly beans I had stashed in my arm band for mid-run. My theory was to eat the pack before the race for energy and then keep it up by eating 1/2 a second pack at 30 minutes and the other half around the hour mark... hopefully giving me enough fuel to finish.
At the 4 mile mark we met our second water station and I was very happy to see them. It was a warm day, but thankfully our path was almost all shaded by the trees on both sides of the road that wound around the lake. I kept glancing back to make sure that the runner I passed at mile 3 was staying a good distance behind me. Meanwhile, my little Nike+ app was keeping me updated on my progress. It was good to hear, "You are half way to your goal." at the 4.5 mile mark and then listen to the countdown as I knocked off each consequtive mile.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure the 2nd half of my bag of energy beans was my best plan at mile 5.5. LOL At the 6 mile water stop I took a drink and instantly felt sick to my stomach. I believe it was those nasty beans jumping around in my mostly empty belly. But I pushed on! Miles 6 to 7 were rough, but I refused to walk. And it was about this time I got inside my head and started to wonder what the hell I was thinking signing up for a half marathon!! LOL At the 7 mile mark I heard the little voice in my ear say, "Only 2 miles to go!" and got a 2nd (or 4th or 5th at this point) wind. I was able to pick it up and put more space between me and the runner in my rear view.
The 7.5 mile water stop was a blessing and a curse. I was afraid to drink more water, but knew that I needed it. My body was telling me it was running on fumes as far as hydration went. I knew I was slowing down and I hated it, I had become a clock watcher... checking my pace and distance every 20 seconds. Not a good idea when you still have over a mile to go.
At 8 miles I knew I was on the homestretch but seriously wondered how the hell I was going to make it to the finish line! I knew I needed to start focusing on little milestones if I was going to make it to the end. From miles 3 to the end there was never a single runner ahead of me. I really struggled with this. In previous races I always took the tip of finding someone close to my pace and just focusing on them to help me push through the hard spots. It always worked. But with no one in front of me, the only thing I had to focus on was not letting the girl behind me catch me! LOL
Anyway... so instead of focusing on the runner in front of me I started focusing on mailboxes. Every time I passed one, I'd focus on the next one. I refused to slow down any more than I already had. Imagine my frustration when I ran out of mailboxes! LOL Then it became trees, signs, anything ahead of me that I could focus on and keep my thoughts on so I wouldn't let myself get into my head and kill my goals.
For the last stretch of the race you run down that final road that the 5Kers started on. I swear I felt like I would NEVER see that road. I was struggling so bad on that last stretch before the turn. No mailboxes, no runners... there was NOTHING around me but road and bushes. I was just about to give in and start walking when I looked up and saw a very familiar face. I didn't realize how emotional I was until all that happened. I was doubting my ability to finish, wondering what the hell I was thinking considering myself a runner at all. I hadn't ever run this far! And in 6 weeks I had to run even farther!! WHAT THE.... ?!?! But the moment I saw my brother jogging toward me I knew I would finish and I would finish strong!
See, I have this horribly competitive side about me. Especially with my siblings, but most of all my brother. Heck, why do you think I became a hockey player?!?! Yup! I wanted to be just like him! I wish I would have videoed his facial expression when I told him I was running a 1/2 marathon in October. I don't think he thought he'd ever hear that come out of my mouth. Who am I kidding?!?! I didn't think I'd ever say those words! But there he was... my proverbial knight in shining armor - or underarmor! LOL I saw him and instantly teared up and felt my throat clog with tears. I was going to make it!!!! He jogged up to me, ran around the back of me and eased in matching my pace and started chatting. Asked me how I was feeling... "Like shit!" He laughed and told me I was almost there. Asked how my knees were holding up and actually they were doing great, my hips were screaming, but they'd carry me the rest of the distance. We kept up and easy banter, even with my huffing and puffing, and I realized that I was FLYING (well, for me anyway) so I glanced down at my phone and saw I had gone from a 13+ mile pace to just over 9 1/2 minute mile pace. WOOHOO!!! I could see the finish line!
Just before we got to the point where the cones split the road in two, he cut behind me, told me to stay to the right and finish strong. His last words were, "You got this!" And I did!! I thought my chest was going to explode, but I picked it up a bit more and cruised across that finish line to cheers and clapping... AWESOME FEELING!!!! I jogged a bit farther down the road and finally stopped and doubled over giving in to my body's need to just stop. My mom was by my side then and asking if I was okay... yeah, I'd live. Just let me find my breath. I did it!!! I ran 9 miles!!! I only allowed myself about 5-10 steps of walking a few times along the way, otherwise I ran and ran and ran!
The funny part is, it didn't feel like it was all that far or took that long. At the beginning my brother asked me what my goal was. I laughed and said, "To finish the race." LOL He said, "But do you have a time in mind?" I did... an hour and 45 minutes was my goal. According to their records I finished in 1:45:14!!! My phone said 1:44:39 which makes sense since I was at the back and it probably took me 45 seconds to cross the start line. I did it!!! And I made my goal!! And honestly, I wouldn't have done it if my brother hadn't been there for me when I needed someone the most. Brownie points for big bro! LOL
Afterward, my legs didn't really want to cooperate and help me walk around to get food, water and Gaterade, but they didn't have a choice. After everything was said and done my mom and I hopped back in the car and I asked if her if she wanted to see the route we ran. So, I drove her around, pointing out the water stops, where the ambulance passed me LOL, where I passed the other runners, where I felt like I was never going to make it to the end... and when we got back to the finish line it hit me again... I did it!! Driving it felt longer than running it! It seemed like I went so far. And you know what??? That race was the same distance it would take me to run to work! HA!! Weird comparison, but no way in heck would I run to work! That seems like it would be twice as far, but it's not. Insane!!!
The rest of the day I was exhausted and sore. The next day my legs were tired and sore, but the rest of my body was recouping quickly. And by the third day I was feeling pretty darn good! Back to work and able to walk up and down the stairs like any other day. My body had held up!!! Majorly promising for the rest of my training and my next big race! And when all was said and done, I was excited about getting back on the trail and training for 6 more weeks to improve my time and my endurance so that I was ready to tackle that half marathon I was dreading on mile 6! LOL Pretty crazy, but I completely understand the addiction to running!
And with all that said and done, this week was rough on my training runs. I'm hoping it was just my shoes... I bought new ones tonight. And I'll hit the road again tomorrow to test my theory. I've come too far to let anything get in my way now!! Oh, and another happy result of the longer miles and pushing through my runs this week is that I was down another pound this morning. One pound closer to my 40 pound goal and 5 weeks to run off the other 4! I also did some calculating and learned that I've lost over 35" across my body since I started training for this run. WOOHOO!!! But I'm also starting to fear what will happen when the snow starts to fly around here. Time to start making plans to stay in shape and not lose ground!
So, that was my run! Sorry it was so long, but it was quite the event. I'd do it again this weekend though! Yes, I'm insane!! But there's a big part of me that would like to do it again to see if I could improve my time. Ahhh... always a competition!
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