Holidays have a new meaning...

I hope everyone had a fantastic 4th of July and holiday weekend. The hardest part about a holiday falling in the middle of the week seems to be that we then double our holiday festivities! LOL Any excuse to party right?? Holidays just have a different meaning to me than they used to. Okay, maybe not a new meaning, but I celebrate a bit differently. Where the big question in past years was, "What fun foods can I make to bring?" I now volunteer to bring fruits or veggies. It also helps that many of my friends are much more conscious about what they are eating or feeding the kids. Sure... we still indulge a bit with the festivities, but I don't stuff myself full of goodies like I used to. My body just can't tolerate it anymore.

I had a fantastic holiday though! My girls loved the parade in our hometown, we had a blast with friends at a post-parade BBQ, and my oldest even got to go to the fireworks even though it was late on a school night (summer school). The weekend was still filled with good fun, friends and special events - including my big sister's bridal shower. More goodies!!! LOL So, imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scale at the end of the weekend and realized I hadn't gained an ounce with all the extra yummies and fun. :) Without really focusing on behaving myself I did it automatically!! My what a difference 6 months makes!!

Oh and another big excitement for me is that I am finally feeling comfortable in girlie clothes again! So, as a little gift to myself I went shopping and bought a dress. For those who know me well, this is a rare occurrance!! But it was the perfect dress to wear to the bridal shower on a hot summer day! Here's an in-the-dressing-room shot of me being a girlie girl! LOL I'll also be putting up my 6 month stats in the next couple of days with a comparison pic, so stay tuned...


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