Girls nights out... good for the soul, but not the scale!!

I had that weigh in coming! It's been a week of fun and relaxation. Of course, that fun includes more eating out and beer drinking than a normal week usually includes. LOL Oh well... a girl has to get out and enjoy herself once in a while right?? :) I was down to that 33 pound mark at the beginning of the week and I know I'll be back there again in no time.

Until then... I have started a new half marathon training schedule. It began this week and so far I've nailed every required workout. I even went out last night at 10:30 - after we got back from the play - and ran in the rain to be sure I didn't miss one of my runs. LOL It was actually the best run I've had in a long time. I think there might be a direct correlation between drinking a beer a couple of hours before a run and having a good run. I had a beer before Midnight Sun Midnight Run and that was my best race so far this season! Hmmmm... :) Maybe not! But I felt great last night and actually didn't realize how much time had passed and ended up going 30 minutes instead of 25. I hope I feel that good for my long run tomorrow! Only 78 days until the big race... I'm excited and scared to death!! BRING IT ON!


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