Final Day of Being 44
Another trip around the sun. What a whirlwind! I swear the older I get the faster time moves.
Once again I find myself reminiscing about the adventures and events I got to be part of this past year. Tomorrow I turn 45. My brain thinks I’m still 33, but my body just laughs and laughs and laughs at such a ridiculous thought! I mean, I tripped and fell and broke my freaking HAND this year!

But it wasn’t all bad…
This past year we created so many memories. We took all four kids to southern California for a week. We went to Disneyland, got to see where Andy was stationed while in the Marines, and enjoyed some beach fun and making memories. I watched Emilee absolutely rock her junior year of high school and went on our first college tours together. We watched Kenzie in her first school play, saw Abby’s artistic side flourish, and learned that Jackson has his dad’s mind when it comes to puzzles – he can finish a game on the PlayStation in damn near record time! We had a family day at the ropes course, and everyone proved they had mad skills!

The past year also held tears, fear, and reconnection. I watched Andy go off on a one-week 23rd Veteran Recon trip to the mountains in northern California and learned that that trip was one of the best things that could have happened to both of us. It was the first of two life-changing events that happened to us this year.
As spring and summer descended upon us I was honored to be able to assist in the biggest surprise I could ever give Andy and the following gifting ceremony of his Harley from Hogs for Heroes (2nd life changing event this year). I took the motorcycle safety course and, due to operator error, crashed on the last turn of the very end of the test, and failed. I haven’t felt that defeated in a very long time.

After a week of wallowing and beating myself up, I went to the DMV and got my motorcycle permit and quickly found out what they mean by “wind therapy” when it comes to riding a motorcycle. I also went on my first group ride (don’t worry, I was a passenger).

Before summer disappeared completely we managed to sneak in a few weekends of camping and swimming and visiting Nana & Papa.

I also sent Emilee off to Italy for 11 days without me. We welcomed a new baby into the family, Emilee’s black lab, Scottie. Then I immediately dropped her off at the bus to take her to a leadership camp on the other side of Minnesota for a week.

Before we knew it back to school arrived once again and I saw my babies off to their last first day and their first first day of high school. So many firsts and lasts lie ahead of us.

And finally, I sold my scooter and bought a beautiful 2005 Harley Softail Heritage Classic that I instantly fell in love with. Let’s just say I have spent many, many miles in one vehicle or another this past year. Only one plane ride this year, but many driven miles across Wisconsin and Minnesota!

Ultimately, I basically spent the past year watching our kids grow into independent young adults which allowed Andy and I to rekindle the fun and adventure in our marriage.
I have to say that 44 was a good year. Short, but really good. I lost over 53 pounds this past year which brings me to a total loss of 88 pounds!! I’ve gone from a size 20/22 to a size 6 in jeans in 17 months. I also got my nose pierced, and planned out my birthday tattoo that I am sitting for tomorrow. Some may consider it a mid-life crisis, but it’s far too planned out so I’ll call it my midlife upgrade.

I am officially in my mid-40s tomorrow and I’m excited to see what lies ahead. Some of it I’m so excited for, and some of it I know will be slightly heartbreaking, like graduation and college move-in day for my big kid! Each year brings us closer and closer to an empty nest and I’m just not sure how to feel about that! So, I’ll cherish each year as it comes and make the most memories we can.
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