Month Four Post-Op Update


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It’s hard to believe that the 19th has come and gone already. August is going by faster than a runaway train, and it has taken our beautiful weather with it! The past few days have been so fallish that I find myself mourning the end of summer already.

Two of our kiddos go back to school in just over a week, and the other two in two weeks. Back to school shopping is complete, although can I just say how weird it was to send my 16 year old and 13 year old out shopping for school supplies and clothes without me?!? We are absolutely into the world of independence and a slowly emptying household. Where has the time gone??

With all the chaos and memory making this month, I have not taken my 4-month photos yet. I know… BOO! HISS!! But I plan to this weekend. Better late than never, right??

I do have one comparison, just not the official ones.

On the bright side, I did take my measurements. This month was not a big loss month, which is probably why I’m not anxious to take new pics. There was progress, just not a lot, and probably not very visible.

But, here we go…


Let’s start with the scale victory…

Yup!! I hit my 35 pounds lost mark just in time for my 4 month sleeve-iversary!!

Now, on to the measurements. Keep in mind that until I typed this out, I had not figured out my updated measurement progress. To say I’m shocked is an understatement!

Biceps (L)-0.20-2.38
Biceps (R)-0.38-1.81
Thigh (L)-0.21-2.49
Thigh (R)-0.53-4.02
Calf (L)-0.57-1.93
Calf (R)-0.67-1.75
*Measurements are taken with Renpho Health ES-Tape Measure
**Fupa measurements began in Month 2

I’m still floored that I lost almost 7 inches this past month when I only lost about a pound and a half on the scale! But that’s just one more lesson on not depending solely on the number that shows up on that darn scale.

Mama’s Favorite Measuring Tools

For those who have asked, I use the same equipment each month to measure and weigh at home. If you’re interested in checking those out, I’ve listed them below.

Since the start of my gastric sleeve surgery journey I have been using the Renpho Tape Measure and I really like it. It has a very slight learning curve, but after a few clicks I had it down. It gives you specific body parts to measure, and shows you where to measure for those specific areas. You can also assign areas of your own – like my Fupa addition!

Renpho digital measuring tape alongside smartphone with app on screen

I also had already purchased the Renpho Smart Scale a few years ago, and it was very realistic price-wise for a smart scale that connected to an app on my phone. I’m happy to report that it is still very fairly priced.

Digital Repho scale with smartphone displaying related app

Both the scale and the tape measure talk to the same app, so that’s pretty handy!

This past spring when I had to spend down the last of my FSA money, I decided to upgrade my scale so I could have one in the upstairs bathroom and one downstairs. Plus, I really wanted to know if there was a difference between the $17 scale and a more expensive scale.

So I bought a Etekcity Smart WiFi Scale for Body Weight which was $79.

Like any smart item, this also had a learning curve, but that was mostly the app, not the scale. The scale is rechargeable (no more bad weigh-ins due to a low battery) and super easy to store.

I will tell you that there is no difference weight-wise between the two scales. They both register the exact same weight for me when I use them side-by-side. The Etekcity Smart WiFi Scale does have a few more bells and whistles and the app gives a little more feedback, but if you don’t need those, then the Renpho is an awesome, dependable scale!

And now that I see the solid decrease in inches since last month, I am a little more motivated to take my Month 4 pics!


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