Low Battery and Quick Journal


LOW BATTERY (less than 10% remaining)

I am totally going to tape this to my forehead today! Week 2, day 3 of Incoming Freshman Orientations and I'm WIPED OUT!! My body and mind are absolutely exhausted. 

My days consist of waking up at 6:45am, getting dressed and doing all the "getting ready" stuff before heading out the door by 7:20am. If I'm doing good on time, I stop for a coffee and head to campus, while listening to one of my two favorite podcasts at the moment - Thin Within Podcast with Marna Thall and/or The Sam & Jo VA Show. Sometimes I'll throw in Beast Mode Kids for sheer entertainment. I then laugh at myself for all of the times I whined about too much talking on the radio and not enough music when I was younger! But I digress...

At work, from 8-11 I bust tail to get a days worth of work done because I'm in the computer lab from 11:15-3:00 with a short break at 1:00 for a (thankfully) prepared and free lunch. Who doesn't love free food?!? Those sessions in the lab are nonstop. I talk, I teach, they ask questions, and we do our best to stay on time because they have to be out the door in an hour with a complete schedule for fall semester. WHEW!

Then it's back to my office for an hour and a half, where we all receive students, with their parent who accompanied them, to discuss why little Timmy has to take Chemistry his first semester or risk falling a year behind. HA!! Not really, we answer all sorts of questions, until it dies down about 4pm. 

Then I have 30 minutes to answer the emails that have racked up in my inbox while I was away from my computer, and finally hit the road to head home at 4:30, which I continue to answer an endless amount of questions AND break up the wonderful teen angst arguments that seem to spark every time I turn around! 

But then one of us does something stupid and we laugh and laugh... until I look at the clock and realize the kids may not have to get up in the morning, but I do. So, off to bed I go, in hopes of falling asleep by midnight so I can repeat the entire process over again the next day. 

All I can say is thank God tomorrow is Friday and that next week is our final full week of orientations. I thoroughly enjoy working closely with the students and training them on how to plan and register for courses. But dang, I'm getting too old for this much excitement! 

 Anywho... on to the next thing: 

Morning... I mean AFTERNOON Journal 6/9/22


Sticking with listening to my body, feeling the hunger, eating till satisfied, and working on better sleep habits.

My realistic and doable next best step(s) to help me get there today is to...

Stop when I'm satisfied, not acknowledging it and blowing right past it to stuffed! Keep working on a solid nightly routine.

Three positive things from yesterday:

  1. I still passed my step goal even though I was moving around campus less yesterday.
  2. I did great with hydration.
  3. I was IN BED by 10:45. The sleep part was a little off though.

Three things I can work on today:

  1. Going to sleep or at least shutting everything down by midnight.
  2. Continue to listen to my body and wait for the proper cues before eating and stopping.
  3. Avoid eating after 9pm so I don't reach for desserts to satiate a craving.
I feel good this week. Staying busy helps, and so does this awesome weather we've had all week. The scale is moving and my clothes are not as tight, so clearly something is going right.


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