Revisiting An Old Friend

After giving it some thought and going back through old posts, old pics, and old thoughts, I've decided to go back to a Trim Healthy Mama (THM) lifestyle. My body just responds so much better when I am eating low carb, sugar free, and low gluten. It may not have taken care of all of the issues I was having at that time, but it helped my body a ton. Thing is, I didn't believe it when I was going through it. It took getting back to the "I feel like I have been run over by a moose, pecked at by geese, and used as a trampoline by rabbits" feeling. Really, though, my body is not functioning right!

I felt great on THM, my body responded well, I looked healthy on THM, and it just agreed with my system! Check this out... this was me after 60 days on THM. Sure, I had already started to lose weight earlier that year, but I kept doing this darn yo-yo thing. Then I started THM and the response from my body was absolutely insane!

I'm ready to treat my body again! I've been trying other things the past few months. While I've had some success, my body is not reacting well to much of what I'm doing. I'm quickly learning that there are some items, even healthy items, that my body thinks are the devil. Example, my body is not loving leafy greens right now. Protein shakes aren't even high on it's list of "hey, I can do that" items. Things I have always relied on for healthy eating are not my friend this time around. So, I think it's time to go back to a time when my body was at peace with most of my choices.

With that said, it's not an easy transition, but at least it won't be as extreme as the first time I jumped in. I already stay pretty low sugar and low carb, with the exception of those days when I am awful and eat something absolutely delicious and sinful, then pay for it for the next couple of days. Overall, though, a lot of the tricks I learned from THM back in 2015 have stuck with me. I just haven't been religious about following them.

Well, no more! Time to get back to basics! I've done it before, I'm willing to try it again. Thankfully I kept good notes and still have all of our favorite recipes from the first time. Plus, I'm putting it on here for some accountability. I'm slowly getting my activity back on par, it's only right to have my food/diet follow suit.

Tomorrow will start day 1 of 21. I have 21 days until we leave for our little mini vacation - a trip to Mayo for me, but this time The Hubby gets to come with and we are going to be tourists while we're down there. Then, once we return it's back on the wagon for the long haul. I want to put in a solid effort to make it straight through to Christmas!

This year, I want to make it a little bit more fun too. I'm going to pull in the kiddos and The Hubby to help me come up with ways to keep it exciting. We'll be making THM-friendly holiday goodies, trying new recipes, and getting the whole family involved in menu prep this time around. I may even have two Trimmy Kids who want to roll out this first 21 days with me. I think they're just in it for the sugar free goodies, but I'll take it!

When it comes right down to it, this will be all about planning, prepping and executing. But, after the past few weeks of losing weight, yet feeling crummy and bloated still, I really feel this is the right direction for me. So, get ready for all of the THM posts! If I can find the darn time, I will make sure to blog my progress for the next 21 days.


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