New Month, New Mindset, New Goals
I can't believe it's already July! This summer is going much too fast. Why can't winter go this fast??? Ah well, I'll enjoy it while I've got it! Starting with our annual tradition of doing Fill the Boot with The Hubby's old fire department on the 4th and then vacation the rest of the week! WOOHOO!!!
So, I know that it's a holiday week and I know that food will be everywhere. We will be on the road several different days and there will be no set schedule as we soak up every ounce of fun and sun that we can in the five day stretch. That doesn't mean that I can't set goals!
I know I filled you all in on my Mayo update a couple of weeks ago. One of the things I did while I was there was that I participated in a chronic pain management class. It was two half days of information and education. A lot of it hit home. I'm also excited to have the tools to start back toward being a bit more like myself.
To start... the hardest thing for me is changing my mindset and really focus on mindfulness. Now, I need to point out that these are two completely different things!
- the established set of attitudes held by someone."the region seems stuck in a medieval mindset"
- 1.the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something."their mindfulness of the wider cinematic tradition"
- 2.a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.
This week... these are where my goals will be focused!
For mindset, I want to establish a set of attitudes held by myself. I am my own worst enemy lately. I've regressed big time and I'm very unhappy with how I look and how I feel. Negative thoughts are always at the forefront, self-criticism is at it's peak, and I need to reign in all in and focus on the good and the empowering qualities I have!
For mindfulness, this one has a couple of different directions I'd like to go with it. I need to focus on the now, forget the past, and find a way to be less focused on who I was or what I looked like. I also need to stay grounded in the now and not get too far ahead of myself. I need to be aware of the fact that I can't jump back into everything I once did just because I feel good today. I need to ease back into the active lifestyle I want to have again some day.
How will I achieve these goals?
Well, I firmly believe I'm starting with two of the hardest goals. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever be done working on them, but I can make solid progress.
In this category my goals are to start my wind down process earlier so that I can get to sleep earlier. My goal is to become a morning person of some sort. I know I've said this before and, let's face it, I have 38 years of not being a morning person. It's not too late to change that though (or so I'm told). This week is not a good week to attempt a big change in my sleep schedule, but it is a good week to try to get some relaxation time in where I have a solid 15-20 minutes to myself to rest, recharge, and refocus so I'm not stressed, or crabby, or overwhelmed.
This is a good time to bring up the app that one of my Mayo docs recommended: At Ease -- Anxiety & Worry Relief App. I figured vacation was the perfect time to implement some relaxation techniques, right? This particular app isn't just about guided meditations though, which is probably why my doc recommended it, they include guided journaling as well. I haven't tried it yet, but I have downloaded it! I will keep you all posted on my review of this particular app.
I also found this site with some tips on how to make the most of every day. A lot of her suggestions would help with shifting into a positive mindset. In the end, I'll have to find the formula that works for me, but to kick it all off I plan to work on a positive focus as I get out of bed (I'm going to try affirmations and positive quotes - we'll see which one I like better). I'm also going to focus on saying no to ONE THING this month. I am a yes yes yes person and then get too overwhelmed, so this month, I will have to choose one thing and decline to participate or be involved in it.
For this one the meditation comes in pretty hard core. I also want to listen to my body. I can start to push it a bit more and hear it say ow, but I need to know if this is a learned ow, an always there ow, or an ow telling me that I'm doing too much too soon. I struggle to start slow and work my way into anything. If something interests me I want to go at it 110%. I need to slow down and take time to listen to my body, my mind, my entire being and decide what is best for it. I'm my own worst bully and my own biggest advocate... It goes from one end of the spectrum to the other.
I keep saying I want to get back to being me, but maybe it's time for me to listen, take stock of what's going on inside and out, and then decide who to steer myself into a me that I can be happy with, be proud of, be supportive of, and be able to consistently be. Mindfulness... it's time to start working on me from the inside out!
So, in summary, this week's goals are:
- Relaxation/Reset Time
- Meditation
- Journaling
- Internal Assessment
- Focusing on Body Cues
- Starting the Journey to a Healthier Inner Me
Oh, and WATER! My goal for this week is WATER, WATER, WATER!
**REMINDER: I am not affiliated with, or paid to promote any of the items mentioned in today's entry.
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