Two Very Busy Weeks Later
It's only been a little over two weeks since I posted last and it's crazy how much has happened in that time! Let's see... I last posted on May 30th, which was just after Memorial Day Weekend. Since then we...
Celebrated Abbycakes turning SEVEN!!!
Then, the next day we celebrated the final day of school!! We officially have a 5th, 4th, 2nd and 1st grader in the family!! Oh, and The Hubby got accepted into the Fire Management program at the University of Wisconsin-Osh Kosh, so he will bump up to a full-time student in the fall when the kids all return to school.
While we're on the subject, I decided to change tracks for my MBA and will be switching to the Rural Healthcare Management MBA program. Since I've already completed the first two required courses in the Leadership & Change MBA program, I get to take the rest of the summer and all fall off! I'll pick back up in January.
Back to the last couple of weeks. We didn't have Kenziebug and Jack Jack on the last day of school (or the first) so no last day pics for those guys, but I made sure to grab these two in all of the chaos!
I may have been one of those sappy, nastalgic mom's who was in total denial that the last few years have gone so fast! Who am I kidding?!? I still can't believe my big kid will officially attend her final year of grade school in the fall. How is that possible?!?! Look how much they've both grown since their first day of school!

Emmy Lou learning how to drive the UTV around the yard and Abbycakes is slowly mastering the mini four wheeler!
Celebrated Abbycakes turning SEVEN!!!
Then, the next day we celebrated the final day of school!! We officially have a 5th, 4th, 2nd and 1st grader in the family!! Oh, and The Hubby got accepted into the Fire Management program at the University of Wisconsin-Osh Kosh, so he will bump up to a full-time student in the fall when the kids all return to school.
While we're on the subject, I decided to change tracks for my MBA and will be switching to the Rural Healthcare Management MBA program. Since I've already completed the first two required courses in the Leadership & Change MBA program, I get to take the rest of the summer and all fall off! I'll pick back up in January.
Back to the last couple of weeks. We didn't have Kenziebug and Jack Jack on the last day of school (or the first) so no last day pics for those guys, but I made sure to grab these two in all of the chaos!
I may have been one of those sappy, nastalgic mom's who was in total denial that the last few years have gone so fast! Who am I kidding?!? I still can't believe my big kid will officially attend her final year of grade school in the fall. How is that possible?!?! Look how much they've both grown since their first day of school!
Emmy Lou's 1st day of 3K vs. Last Day of 4th Grade
Abbycakes's first day of 3K vs. Last Day of 1st Grade
There was no time to dwell on the goodbyes for long as we jumped in the fully packed vehicle and hit the road for the girls' final lacrosse tournament of the season! I still have to go through those pics on the camera, but I did manage to sucker them in to some quick solo and duo pics as we left the hotel.
That was one exhausting, HOT weekend! The girls went from playing one tournament in 30 degree weather with wind, sleet and freezing rain and two weeks later playing a tournament in 90 degree heat with full sun! All of the girls were troopers and they played hard. It was fun to see how far they've all come this first season!
After the day full of games on Saturday, we turned around and headed back home so we could all go to the karate belt test on Sunday! I know what you're thinking... What the heck do they do with all of their spare time?!?
We officially have a purple belt and three green belts in the house!!
She was exhausted, but she hung in there!!
Mid week the next week we celebrated our little Jedi's birthdayl! Jack Jack turned SEVEN!!! I'm planning to bribe him into letting me do a mini photo session with him this weekend. He has major skills in avoiding the camera!
Oh wait!! While we're at it, why not add that Emmy Lou, Kenzie Bug and Jack Jack all started ball! Emmy Lou & Kenziebug are in softball and Jack Jack is in coach pitch baseball. K & J were finishing up karate on our time due to the belt test, so their first game with us is this week, but everyone is having a blast! Emmy Lou has decided that she likes playing 3rd base best! Between the three of them, we are running for ball games 3 nights a week - Kenziebug and Emmy Lou play the same night on different teams, so that's a bit of a bummer.
Emmy Lou and Abbycakes got to spend a few days with Papa because they were out of school and the summer child care programs hadn't started yet. I heard all about the fish they caught and all the fun things they got to do. It's hard not to be jealous of their cabin time when you're stuck at work!
I made it to the cabin though! We celebrated Abbycakes's birthday with a friend last Friday and then headed down to the cabin on Saturday. WE all got out on the four wheelers and we even jumped in the lack for a swim!

Don't let those faces fool you! It was 92 degrees and the water felt GREAT!
Finally, this week we all got back to karate! Emmy Lou started karate camp on Monday and is working toward her advanced purple belt. Abbycakes started summer school, but also returned to the dojo. She's officially in the "big kid" class, or beginners class, now! The Hubby and I also returned on Monday and began learning the material for our new belts. So Fun!!!
And last night we were back at the ball field!
So, if you're looking for us this summer, look at the ball field, the dojo, or the cabin. If you don't find us at any of those you MIGHT find us at home! I love summer though!!
Plus, all of this running around leaves very little time for boredom eating! I'm officially down another pound this week. The biggest struggle for me is the weekend because I just want to kick back and enjoy myself. My next appointment is July 6th. I better find a way to behave over the holiday weekend for sure! Of course, there's more fun to be had this weekend and all next week. I'll even try to stop in to share an awesome recipe for overnight oats that I'm hooked on!
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