A Year In Review

It's impossible not to reminisce about the year as a new year is approaching. I've seen some posts on Facebook from people posting a little picture collage of their year at a glance. I'm awful, I'm a photographer and still fail to take pictures of my kids and create a card to send out. When I actually do find time to make a card, I'm such a procrastinator that I never get them out on time! So, no card from me, but it was fun to look through pictures I've posted on Facebook over the past year to see how much fun we've had and how much the kids have grown.

So, here's a little review of the highlights for my readers...

In January I got to fly out to see my best friend and spend an extended weekend with her for the first time since my wedding in 2014!!!

In February, Emmy Lou got picked to be the "Kid of the Game" at the Lady Bulldog hockey game. You couldn't beat the smile off of that kid's face!!

The three girls also tried their hand at archery and found out they really liked it!

Before we knew it, it was spring!! Emmy Lou and Abbycakes were surprised with their first dinner theater experience and loved it!!!

The Awesome Foursome and I ran our first race of the season. It was my first race back after over a year off and I finished a 10K still upright!

The Hubby joined the girls and I for the annual 5K run for their school.

Abbycakes graduated from kindergarten!!

And just like that it was summer. I believe our family lives for summer! We kicked it off by welcoming a baby cousin, Eleanor, to the family. It was love at first sight!!

The Awesome Foursome finally got a 4th of July together and we had a blast with family walking in the parade for the Fill A Boot fundraiser the fire department hosts every year.

The big girls ran their first duathlon (the swim portion of their triathlon got cancelled due to high bacteria after the area experienced flooding).

I participated in my first "triathlon-turned-duathlon" I was supposed to be the swimmer in the first leg, but due to the swim portion being taken out, I got to run a mile. WOOHOO!! Our team took second place! (I won't say how many teams participated.) My brother-in-law, Lou, completed his first duathlon as well.

Our Strong Man competed in his third or fourth Strong Man competition.

The Awesome Foursome all hit the field for the first time this year. It was Emmy Lou's second year of softball, Kenziebug's first year of intro baseball, Abbycakes's first year of softball and Jack Jack's first year of t-ball.

Emmy Lou spent her first week away from home at camp this summer too. She can't wait to go to another summer camp this year!

The Awesome Foursome posed for their annual picture in front of Grandma Bonnie & Papa Steve's barn during our Michigan visit

The kids spent time kayaking and fishing at the cabin this summer and loved every minute.

Fall brought school... a 4th grader, a 3rd grader, a 1st grader and a kindergartener to be specific. Emmy Lou and Abbycakes joined the school twirling club for the second year.

We took our annual trip to the Twin Cities where we were attacked by zombies!!

And Halloween!! The Awesome Foursome got to trick or treat together this year and our annual Halloween party was a success as always!

Left to Right: Office Hops, Jedi, Elf on the Shelf & Wolf
By winter we had a hockey player in the family...

 Abbycakes after her first jamboree
A green belt...

 Emmy Lou passed five belt test in 2016!!

And three blue belts!!

 Kenziebug earned four belts in 2016!!

The kids visited Santa TWICE. We had to double check that he had their lists right!

And Emmy Lou completed her first level of Kali4Kids and passed her test to advance!

Emmy Lou started Kali in September.
The Hubby has wrapped up another semester of college and is just a couple of credits away from completed his associate's degree. Once he has that, he will transfer to UW-Oshkosh to enroll in the Fire & Emergency Response Management Bachelor of Science program. I'm excited for him because I think he will enjoy school a bit more once he's in classes geared toward something he enjoys learning about. Since he loves his job, I think it'll be a great fit!

I started a new job in May and I love it! It was a great change for me. I also applied to and was accepted into the Masters in Leadership & Change program at the college where I work. I start next month and classes will start out every Tuesday night for the first eight weeks. Then I will hopefully have the time to upgrade to two nights a week and add in Thursdays. We will see how well that works.

So, all-in-all, 2016 was a good year for us. The the kids are really starting to find their strengths and put them to use. First teeth were lost, first sleepovers were had, and first ball games and hockey games were played. I love watching them all grow and experience these milestones as a parent. I'm excited to see what 2017 has in store for us!


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