Just Two Weeks Left of Summer...
We got the official email at work that this Friday is our final early release Friday. No!!! Say it ain't so!! There were some pretty sad faces around here, that's for sure. Sign number one that summer is ending.
I'm not ready!!
The Hubby would disagree after a summer of shuttling kids to and from on his off days and playing referee for the past three months. Since I've worked all summer, I've only gotten the bits of summer here and there and I feel like I've gotten very little time to play.
We spent this past weekend on our annual trip to Michigan to see The Hubby's dad and stepmom. It was hard to believe we were there almost two years to the date before this weekend setting up for our wedding. Our anniversary is tomorrow! I swear last weekend was Memorial Day! Where did it go?!?
Sign number two that summer is ending is that we got the notice for meet & greet day at school. Thankfully *almost* all of the kids are excited that school is starting again. Emmy Lou is loving summer and nervous about 4th grade, so she's not as psyched as the other three. The Hubby is counting down the days, as this will be the first year that everyone will be in school everyday, all day! I don't blame him there! I love my quiet, kid free evenings. I'm sure he'll make the most of his quiet, kid free days. Of course, I'm sure he'll be busy with his own homework since he's still a student as well.
The plan right now is that I will also, FINALLY, join all of them in January. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to go back for my masters degree at my alma mater. If you scroll back to 2011 you'll find me celebrating my graduation from this college with a 3-year-old and 1-year-old at home. It was crazy, but I drug my ex and I through to the finish line. Now, I finally get the chance to come back to continue my education. I would so be a perma-student if I could!
Needless to say, this fall will be busy! Everyone in school - 4th, 3rd, 1st and kindergarten - everyone in karate, and all of the fun, additional extracurriculars that come up when you have that many kids in grade school. Yup! I want to keep my summer, thank you very much!
So, I'll focus on that! SUMMER!! We still have some left. The Hubby and I will celebrate our anniversary together this weekend. We'll celebrate Labor Day weekend together as a family. Plus, I'm hoping the weekends before and after my birthday are still warm and sunny to drag out the fun a bit more. I live for the weekends, but I REALLY live for weekends with awesome weather.
The only bonus to nearing the end of summer is that the weather will cool off a bit, so my long runs will start to be less miserable! I didn't get my 7-mile run in this weekend, so that's on the agenda tomorrow. I'm still toying with the idea of running a 9-miler over Labor Day weekend as well. That one is still up in the air until I see how my body handles the next long run or two. I'm still nervous that everything's going to fall apart!
Anyway... that's my check in. I ate and ate and ate this past weekend, so I'm playing my usual Monday game of guzzling water and eating spot on. It's a vicious cycle, but it's my life!
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