Day 12 of 28 - Are We Sure It's Friday?
I'm rolling with it today, but it's been a Monday kind of Friday and unfortunately, I'm the latter of this particular meme! I realized when I got to work that I forgot my phone and had to message The Hubby on Facebook to have him bring it to me at work. Thankfully he's off today or I would have been a mess all day! Somehow I got something all over my new jeans that look like I haven't washed them in weeks. I know that's not true, but other's don't! I forgot half of my snack and a third of my lunch. Finally, when I went to get my creamer out of my lunch bag for my coffee, I realized my protein shaker bottle wasn't shut tight and spilled all over my bag, so I also only have half of my breakfast. Are we absolutely positive that today is Friday???
Did I mention I'm officially on my second cup of coffee of the day?!
It's all good!! My phone has arrived, my coffee is kicking in and I can make do with the food I have to get me through the day. I've got this! It must be Friday because I was able to shake my butt and smooth out my ruffled feathers. All's well! Plus, this picture and the task I have set for myself this week - summer camp registration prep for the girls - have me thinking solidly about summer plans and fun. It's February on Monday... we're getting closer!
I'll blame my inability to function successfully at 100% on this cold and foggy brain. Accurate? Maybe or maybe not, but that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
So, The Hubby made the Baked Mozzarella Sticks for dinner last night. I worked late and ran some errands, so I missed out. By the time I got home I had a snack and went to bed. My appetite is still not entirely there. I know this will be short lived, but it's enough that I force down snacks right now. I'll be back to scarfing down full meals in no time, but I digress...
Our communication wires got crisscrossed and instead of making up the uneaten chicken from the night before, he moved on to the next item on the menu. On a good note, he said that the mozzarella sticks were very good. I guess I'll take his word for it! I'm not bitter... really. Although I did tell him he's making a new batch for me to try this weekend. He laughed and agreed, so all is well.
Tonight is the leftover baked chicken that I've been talking about for three days. We make ours with a pork rind coating. I can't stand the smell of the pork rinds when he's grinding them up, but once he adds some seasonings they actually make a very yummy coating for the chicken. I love that we are learning all of these healthy alternatives so we can still enjoy our favorite meals!
Busy weekend this weekend, but I must stay strong! I may splurge on one item at the hockey game since it is directly across dinner, but I also plan to eat between events to avoid overindulging on birthday pizza or cake and other goodies at the hockey rink. Have a plan right??
We are also adding a karate class to our agenda tomorrow morning, so I'm hoping to kick this cold right out of my chest. as I kick of my day on the right foot. (Didn't you love all of those puns?!?)
Have a fantastic weekend everyone. Make a plan and believe you can stick to it! Lord knows I'm my own worst enemy when it comes to deciding to stay on track or not, but yesterday was another 100% on plan day, so I'm on the right track!
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