First Day of School - SUCCESS!! Sort of...

I hope everyone had a fun and safe holiday weekend. We definitely did! It's always fun to get together with family and play all weekend. Today it was back to reality since it was the first day of school for three out of four of our kiddos. The youngest starts Friday, but we threw him into the mix of first day pics because we won't have him at home that day. So, here are our 3rd and 2nd graders, kindergartener and preschooler!!

We managed to get everyone up, got all of the kids fed, dressed, hair done and pictures taken. We even got out of the house with plenty of time to spare! The Hubby two his two and headed west to their schools (in another school district) and I took mine to school. My poor little Abbycakes was so nervous! Excited, but nervous. No tears or clinging though. She walked in, we took some pics, said our goodbyes and I took the big one down to visit her friends in morning latchkey. I did sneak back up on my way out the door and saw her slowing walking around and taking it all in. I'm so excited to hear how everyone's first day's went when I get off of work tonight. Not only is it the first day of school, but it's also the first day of karate for our second oldest, so she's super excited for that as well.

I work a block away from the school, so I drove my car around to the parking lot and realized just as I was getting out that I never made my breakfast, or even thought to grab something to eat for breakfast! I was so concerned about the kids that I spaced it out completely. *DOH* Oh well! I ended up drinking water and pushing myself to wait and eat an early lunch. I'm much better now! So, as organized as we were this morning, the little change in our schedule apparently threw me for a big loop!

As I said, tonight is karate and a haircut (also for the 2nd oldest). She wants a whole new do and decided she wants bangs. She's almost eight now, so I'm all for her picking her own hair do, plus she loves it! Finally, we'll get home for dinner, homework and bedtime. Yup! School has begun! Emmy Lou was beyond nervous last night about the workload in 3rd grade. They told them last year that it's a big transition year, but apparently she took that to mean that she would have 3x the homework and they would start multiplication the first day. I assured her that they will ease them all into it and I have yet to see a kid drowning in homework after the first day of school. She relaxed a bit after that.

So, this weekend was a weekend of travelling. That means I had plenty of time to make a food menu and grocery list with The Hubby on the way home while the kids watched Home and Big Hero 6 (yes, it was a long drive, plus if we play a movie, the youngest one stays awake - car rides are his kryptonite). I thought I would share with everyone. Also, tonight I'll take a pic of the kids packing their lunches, to give ideas if anyone is needing them! So, here's this week's plan:

Tuesday: Pizza (this recipe is under the pic on Pinterest - the website attached to the pin is only a picture), cauliflower garlic cheesy breadsticks & salad
Wednesday: Everything Bagel Dogs w/sweet potato fries & green beans
Thursday: Tacos - regular & grilled lime chicken w/brown rice and peppers
Friday: I'm the only one needing dinner that night, so I'm up in the air right now
Saturday: It's my birthday! So, we'll eat out, I'm thinking shrimp from Red Lobster!
Sunday: Again, no one is home, but I'm taking my best friend to the cabin to chill in the hot tub!

Lunch today was a Chicken Caesar Wrap using romaine lettuce leaves and some skinny chocolate with peanuts. Mmm!! I posted that recipe last week if it sounds appealing. I'll be sure to report back on the recipes above. They will all be new to us, so we're going out on a limb this week! Stay tuned...


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