Day 23 of 84 - Time to Retire

It's officially time to retire a pair of my work pants. :) And of course, it's the one color I don't have 3 other pairs in the same color of! HA! Yeah, horrible problem to have right? As frustrated as I'm getting with the scale, my clothes are rewarding me for my hard work. I'm feeling more comfortable in my skin as each day passes. It's crazy how out of control I can let it get!

So, like any person searching for the magic fix for weight loss I read a lot of different blogs and articles that pop up in my daily web travels. I've been quite intrigued the last few days. I read one about a guy who wanted to see what diet worked best, so for 30 days he tried 6 different plans and changed his "diet" every 5 days. They ranged from the cabbage diet and Atkins to basic healthy, clean eating with no major guidelines.Funny part... he stated he liked that he knew it was going to change in a few days if he didn't like what he was doing. In the end he found out that he liked the clean eating best because it was the most flexible. A nice balanced diet, not eliminating any one item from his diet, but eating in moderation. Interesting!

Then I read about two identical twins, both doctors, who decided to spend 30 days on opposite diets. One did no-carb and one only allowed himself 2g of fat a day. The one who went the no-carb route lost 9 pounds in 30 days. He also felt sluggish physically and mentally and was constantly worn down. He found out he needed more of an energy source than just protein AND after some testing he learned that his loss came from muscle loss. The other one lost weight also, not as much, but had much more energy and brain power. Again, interesting! My favorite part of my reading was the end of the article with the identical twins. One decided to go into a study as to how sugar and fat COMBINED creates an issue with people. Check out the article here.  Let's face it... when Burger King is offering 10 chicken nuggets for $1.29 and right now one Braeburn apple costs the same. Which one would people look at as more filling for their money?

Anyway... I've just found some intriguing reads lately. Some are completely laughable and bogus... "Eat these three foods to lose 12 pounds in one week!" Yeah, ok! But others are educational or at least make you go Hmmmm. You can't trust anything out there 100%, but when it makes me wonder, I do more research on it.

Okay, enough about my readings. Nothing new in "What's in the Bag?" today. Actually, I'm solo and it's a swim day. So, dinner will probably either be an Herbalife shake and English Muffin with peanut butter or scrambled eggs and turkey sausage. I am never too hungry after working out, but know I need the nutrients for recovery. I'm just looking forward to a relaxing evening at the gym and then a relaxing, quiet evening before the rest of the week opens up the doors to the chaos that is our home most of the time. I know anyone with school aged kids can relate!


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