Maintain?!? What does that mean?
main·tain (m
tr.v. main·tained, main·tain·ing, main·tains
1. To keep up or carry on; continue: maintain good relations.
2. To keep in an existing state; preserve or retain: maintain one's composure.
3. To keep in a condition of good repair or efficiency: maintain two cars.
4. a. To provide for; support: maintain a family.
b. To keep in existence; sustain: enough food to maintain life.
5. To defend or hold against criticism or attack: maintained his stand on taxes.
6. To declare to be true; affirm: maintained her innocence.
7. To adhere or conform to; keep: maintain a busy schedule
That's fitting in more ways that one lately. Apparently I've been able to maintain my current weight for the last two months. It's both uplifting and disappointing. It's uplifting because I've proven to myself that I know how to maintain. No special products, no assistance, just me and my food choices. YAY!! Disappointing because I would have loved to have found that my body knew how to lose on it's own even when I'm not putting in the effort. Oh well!
I'm also maintaining my sanity. Barely at times, but I am holding onto it. The rest of this year is going to prove to be quiet hectic, stressful and emotinal. Quoting a good friend's common phrase, I need to "put on my big girl panties and face reality" even though I know reality is going to be one mean SOB.
I have maintained my ability to run by getting out and running 3 miles this past weekend. My goal is two runs a week through the winter months. Those runs will range from 2-5 miles. I'm hoping to do them outdoors, but I do have the evil dreadmill, I mean treadmill, if times get tough.
I never new the word maintain had so many definitions!
With all of that said, I'm okay with where I'm at right now. I'm starting to get back into the right frame of mind after a short setback. I'm proud of myself for not plopping myself down at McDonalds five nights a week and drowning my sorrows in french fries and ranch dressing and washing them down with Dove chocolate. I leaned on friends and family who were amazing in lifting me back up above the surface of the water I felt I was starting to drown in. And I'm starting to feel more like the me I want to be. It's a slow processes. It's amazing how quickly you can get off track and how much harder it is to get back on once you've fallen off. I'm not just talking about diet-wise either.
So, this week I decided I'm going back to some old ideas. I want to go find two recipes online, healthy ones, that will help shake up my boring food routine. I've made a concsious effort to get my water in today for the first time since before the half marathon (horrible I know!). And I'm going to make my goal of two runs this week. Baby steps. Next week I'll start adding Jillian back into my life again. I feel so much better physically and emotionally when I am taking care of myself and bettering myself.
I know so many people who make comments on Facebook about bad days, bad weeks, or just feeling lost or out of it. I know we've all been there many times at different stages in our lives. And there are 101 triggers as to what makes us feel this way. Unfortunately it can also be a slippery slope. My suggestion to anyone out there who is feeling a little lost or defeated... find a friend, family member, pastor, therapist, whoever and talk to them. Get it out. Have someone listen and be there to tell you what your feeling is completely normal and things will get better. You may need to hear those words several times before you start to believe them, but they are true. Things will get better! They always do. And then they manage to get a bit worse again, but you'll be even more prepared for it the next time. That's the cycle of life. But don't feel you need to suffer alone or shoulder the burden because you don't want to burden others or appear weaker to them. Your loved ones love you. Every one has weaknesses and we all need someone sometimes. I'm very lucky! I have many someones all of the time it seems. I don't know what I did to deserve them, but I'll keep them! :)
I know so many people who make comments on Facebook about bad days, bad weeks, or just feeling lost or out of it. I know we've all been there many times at different stages in our lives. And there are 101 triggers as to what makes us feel this way. Unfortunately it can also be a slippery slope. My suggestion to anyone out there who is feeling a little lost or defeated... find a friend, family member, pastor, therapist, whoever and talk to them. Get it out. Have someone listen and be there to tell you what your feeling is completely normal and things will get better. You may need to hear those words several times before you start to believe them, but they are true. Things will get better! They always do. And then they manage to get a bit worse again, but you'll be even more prepared for it the next time. That's the cycle of life. But don't feel you need to suffer alone or shoulder the burden because you don't want to burden others or appear weaker to them. Your loved ones love you. Every one has weaknesses and we all need someone sometimes. I'm very lucky! I have many someones all of the time it seems. I don't know what I did to deserve them, but I'll keep them! :)
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