The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things. Their bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun. The wonderful thing about Tiggers, is I'm the only one. Iiiiiiiiiii'm the only one!
Any Pooh fans out there? :)
Okay, why the Tigger theme song? Because Tiggers are bouncy, and it's about time I bounced back from the dark side. Wow have I been off track since Superbowl weekend. No real reason other than poor planning, lack of control in certain situations (as in I had no control over what my choices were AND I have no self-control!), and, well, I suck! LOL But really, no excuses. I just haven't been up to par. So, it's time to bounce back.
I need to be honest. You all are my confessional today. I ate 12, yes TWELVE, Girl Scout cookies yesterday. O-M-Gosh! That's insane!!! I just couldn't stop my hands from shoving those yummy, little, round, discs of goodness into my mouth! But that wasn't the worst of it. I heated up the leftover jalapeno popper dip - NOT a recipe I'm going to share with you all here because it would be very, very bad. Just ask those who came to my house for Superbowl, or my poor coworkers. Plus, the hubby whipped up some fried fish. I was pregnant last year and didn't get to eat the fish due to mercury issues in our area, so I just couldn't stop. I'm not proud of myself at all. I looked like I was prepping for an all you can eat contest, no major food topic for that contest either. Just all you could eat of whatever you could find. The hubby looked at me like I was on crack as I pulled a tub of blueberries out of the fridge to give to our three-year-old and tossed a handful into my mouth in the process (the one healthy thing I did eat last night). His concerns... how could I possibly mix that many completely different flavors and textures in a 2 minute span? I'll tell you how... I was possessed that's how! That's the only way. Something evil took over my body and raided my kitchen last night. I've since been exorcised of this evil being.
So, since the evil wrong-doer is gone, the sane me is back and ready to make up for my mistakes, er, I mean it's mistakes.
How does one come back from such a humdinger of a smorgasbord? Well, I started with a protein shake for breakfast to help get my cravings under control, a 6-inch, 6-grams-of-fat-or-less sub from Subway with Baked Lays (the evil being didn't stop to make my lunch last night either), with an apple and an orange for my snacks, and a venison breakfast sausage, cheese (2% shredded), and egg white omelete with more fruit for dinner since it's just Em and I for dinner tonight. I will also be preparing a WW Crockpot Lasagna to be plugged in tomorrow morning for dinner tomorrow night. Oh, and water consumation to battle a camel (and now I'm hearing Em's Silly Songs cd in my head... Alice the camel has five humps... I so need some adult time).
My plan is to plan. Plan, shop, and plan some more. I'm home alone with the girls this weekend, so it's the perfect opportunity to get myself back on board. I also started the Couch to 5K program (C25K) on Monday and tonight is my second night to run with Saturday wrapping my my 3-day run week. I can't say enough good things about that program either. It got me ready for my first 5K two years ago and it's getting me ready for that same 5K now.
Oh did I tell you guys about my summer plans? This is my Summer of Running Fun. I'm not a runner. I'm a skater (on ice to be exact, with a stick, and sans toepicks). I'm not a solo sport kind of girl, I'm a team sport person. But, since I'm old and my body is going to hell, it's time I get past my labels and try to become a new kind of girl. We bought Trixie the Treadmill - yes I finally named her, Trixie because I think someone tricked me into buying that thing... I tried to tell my hubby I jiggle to much to run on it, but he just scoffed and sent me down the stairs and jiggle I did!!! But I made it through my first run in one piece and no worse for wear. My knees survived (I have two bad knees from too many years of those team sports I mentioned above), Trixie survived and Michael, the voice on my iPhone that tells me when to run and when to walk during my C25K program, survived. We are quite the trio Trixie, Michael and I.
Anyway... I have running goals. My first 5K is the Fitger's 5K on April 16th. It's a pretty popular 5K around here with over 1200 runners last year. Then I planned a 5K race, or farther, for each month. Some months I'm even considering two races. My months consist of five 5Ks, two 5 milers, one 10K and a possible sprint triathalon (shorter than a regular tri in all areas). This takes me from April to November with motivation to keep training each month. I know I can do it... I just have to keep telling myself that. LOL Hopefully by the middle of it I'll figure out that running isn't so bad. Hopefully!
Well, that's it. My confession, my recovery, and my plans for the future. Wow, I feel like I just joined a 12-step program. Makes sense, eating the way I do is an addiction. I just have to overcome it. And if you made it this far, thank you!! I will reward you all the next couple of posts with at least two new recipes. I made a wonderful Wonton Soup I have to share and I'll report back on what we thought of the WW Crockpot Lasagna.
Until then... have a fantastic weekend and don't do what I did. Hide those GS cookies, or just give them away. They are evil!!
Any Pooh fans out there? :)
Okay, why the Tigger theme song? Because Tiggers are bouncy, and it's about time I bounced back from the dark side. Wow have I been off track since Superbowl weekend. No real reason other than poor planning, lack of control in certain situations (as in I had no control over what my choices were AND I have no self-control!), and, well, I suck! LOL But really, no excuses. I just haven't been up to par. So, it's time to bounce back.
I need to be honest. You all are my confessional today. I ate 12, yes TWELVE, Girl Scout cookies yesterday. O-M-Gosh! That's insane!!! I just couldn't stop my hands from shoving those yummy, little, round, discs of goodness into my mouth! But that wasn't the worst of it. I heated up the leftover jalapeno popper dip - NOT a recipe I'm going to share with you all here because it would be very, very bad. Just ask those who came to my house for Superbowl, or my poor coworkers. Plus, the hubby whipped up some fried fish. I was pregnant last year and didn't get to eat the fish due to mercury issues in our area, so I just couldn't stop. I'm not proud of myself at all. I looked like I was prepping for an all you can eat contest, no major food topic for that contest either. Just all you could eat of whatever you could find. The hubby looked at me like I was on crack as I pulled a tub of blueberries out of the fridge to give to our three-year-old and tossed a handful into my mouth in the process (the one healthy thing I did eat last night). His concerns... how could I possibly mix that many completely different flavors and textures in a 2 minute span? I'll tell you how... I was possessed that's how! That's the only way. Something evil took over my body and raided my kitchen last night. I've since been exorcised of this evil being.
So, since the evil wrong-doer is gone, the sane me is back and ready to make up for my mistakes, er, I mean it's mistakes.
How does one come back from such a humdinger of a smorgasbord? Well, I started with a protein shake for breakfast to help get my cravings under control, a 6-inch, 6-grams-of-fat-or-less sub from Subway with Baked Lays (the evil being didn't stop to make my lunch last night either), with an apple and an orange for my snacks, and a venison breakfast sausage, cheese (2% shredded), and egg white omelete with more fruit for dinner since it's just Em and I for dinner tonight. I will also be preparing a WW Crockpot Lasagna to be plugged in tomorrow morning for dinner tomorrow night. Oh, and water consumation to battle a camel (and now I'm hearing Em's Silly Songs cd in my head... Alice the camel has five humps... I so need some adult time).
My plan is to plan. Plan, shop, and plan some more. I'm home alone with the girls this weekend, so it's the perfect opportunity to get myself back on board. I also started the Couch to 5K program (C25K) on Monday and tonight is my second night to run with Saturday wrapping my my 3-day run week. I can't say enough good things about that program either. It got me ready for my first 5K two years ago and it's getting me ready for that same 5K now.
Oh did I tell you guys about my summer plans? This is my Summer of Running Fun. I'm not a runner. I'm a skater (on ice to be exact, with a stick, and sans toepicks). I'm not a solo sport kind of girl, I'm a team sport person. But, since I'm old and my body is going to hell, it's time I get past my labels and try to become a new kind of girl. We bought Trixie the Treadmill - yes I finally named her, Trixie because I think someone tricked me into buying that thing... I tried to tell my hubby I jiggle to much to run on it, but he just scoffed and sent me down the stairs and jiggle I did!!! But I made it through my first run in one piece and no worse for wear. My knees survived (I have two bad knees from too many years of those team sports I mentioned above), Trixie survived and Michael, the voice on my iPhone that tells me when to run and when to walk during my C25K program, survived. We are quite the trio Trixie, Michael and I.
Anyway... I have running goals. My first 5K is the Fitger's 5K on April 16th. It's a pretty popular 5K around here with over 1200 runners last year. Then I planned a 5K race, or farther, for each month. Some months I'm even considering two races. My months consist of five 5Ks, two 5 milers, one 10K and a possible sprint triathalon (shorter than a regular tri in all areas). This takes me from April to November with motivation to keep training each month. I know I can do it... I just have to keep telling myself that. LOL Hopefully by the middle of it I'll figure out that running isn't so bad. Hopefully!
Well, that's it. My confession, my recovery, and my plans for the future. Wow, I feel like I just joined a 12-step program. Makes sense, eating the way I do is an addiction. I just have to overcome it. And if you made it this far, thank you!! I will reward you all the next couple of posts with at least two new recipes. I made a wonderful Wonton Soup I have to share and I'll report back on what we thought of the WW Crockpot Lasagna.
Until then... have a fantastic weekend and don't do what I did. Hide those GS cookies, or just give them away. They are evil!!
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