Simply Saturday

Ahhhh Saturdays! No work, no rush. Unfortunately, the weekends also mean more temptations, more running and an easy access to the drive thru window at a plethera of fast food restaurants. Do you know that just between my house and the girls' daycare there are seven fast food restaurants. I'm counting Subway in there too, which is our go-to "fast food" lately. But still... oh, and since Superior has the most bars per capita (how's that for bragging rights - UGH!) I also pass at least seven bars on the way home too. There's something seriously wrong with all of that. I will give my small town a bit of credit though. During the summer there is one fresh veggie market and at least three corn/strawberry/veggie sellers on my way home as well. Hmmm... seven fast food stops or three fresh veggie stops. That's not even fair! No wonder obesity is an epidemic.

Anyway, now onto a happier note. I have a couple product reviews tonight...

My first one has become a very close friend of mine. Crystal Light On The Go packets. Zero points and a great helper for getting my daily water intake. I don't ever mix it by the directions either because then it's just too sweet. I usually fill my 32oz bottle and pour in one packet. After I drink about 1/2 the bottle, I'll fill it back up with cold water. I still get a nice sweet taste, but no extra calories or cheating.

And my second product review is MorningStar Farms Tomato & Basil Pizza Burgers. For a fake burger... YUM!! Honestly, I'm not a big fan of veggie burgers or, well, a burger that doesn't include a good chunk of cow grilled to medium-rare. But for a lunch option, this one gets two thumbs up. For just 3 points, these fill me up pretty well. I add a 2 point Light Italian bun and a side of veggies. Low points and full of flavor! They have several other options and I've tried a few items from this brand and haven't been disappointed yet. For those who are saying, "Ummm, no way I'm trying that!" I challenge you to buy one package. Coming from one of the pickiest eaters alive, this is way better than it sounds. My hubby didn't even know he wasn't eating a "real burger".

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and be sure to plan ahead for Sunday's football parties. This is the test run for Superbowl right?? GO PACKERS!!!


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